~Starts Without Knowing

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After a long battle during a mission that was assigned to the legendary sannins, they finally captured the ninja who was in constant hiding in the woods.

"I got him!" yelled Jiraiya. Tsunade had appeared seeing how the ninja was trying to get loose.

"Don't fight it anymore, you know is over." said Tsunade who then trapped him with her arms. Only she could do that with that inhuman strength. 

"Orochimaru!" called out Jiraiya.

Orochimaru appeared in front on them. 

"Do it" said Tsunade. Orochimaru understood as he got closer to the ninja, let a snake out and bite his shoulder. The ninja screamed out of instinct but the bite didn't hurt as he then fell asleep instantly. Tsunade let loose of the guy and Jiraiya picked him up quickly.

"Now let's go back to Konoha and bring him to Sensei." said Jiraiya. Tsunade and Orochimaru nodded as they all quickly travelled.

They reached Konoha and got to Hiruzen.

"Well done. Can't expect less from my lovely students." smiled Hiruzen.

"Piece of cake." said Jiraiya as he handed the guy to the guards.

"Don't lie, it took us more time than it should. He was pretty good at hiding. Right Orochimaru?" said Tsunade annoyed.

"Yes" said quickly Orochimaru. "Is there anything else, sensei?" 

"Not for the moment. Thank you for everything. You may all go." said Hiruzen.

Orochimaru bowed to him and left really fast.

"What's gotten Orochimaru to leave so quickly lately after every mission?" asked Jiraiya curiously.

"I know right? He only goes to his apartment because I have seen him. He might be studying more than usual." said Tsunade.

"He has been asking me a lot of questions lately." said Hiruzen as he crossed his arms.

"But that's normal for him I guess." said Jiraiya while rubbing his chin as he then turned to Tsunade. "Let's go" 

"Goodbye Sensei!" said Tsunade and Jiraiya waved to him as well.

"See ya around" smiled Hiruzen.

They have both arrived to their apartments. The three of them lived in the same building but separately of course. Tsunade lived in the first floor, Jiraiya in the fourth and Orochimaru on the fifth. 

"Well Im going in for a nap." said Tsunade while she was unlocking her door.

"Are we still on for tonight at Sayoko's?" asked Jiraiya eagerly already on the stairs.

Sayoko was one of Konoha's most popular night clubs and the Sannins go together once in a while.

"I'm down but I don't know if Orochimaru will go. He has turned down the last couple of times we wanted to go." said Tsunade disappointed.

"He will go, I will make sure of it." smiled Jiraiya deviously as Tsunade laughed.

"Then let me know, see you later." waved Tsunade as Jiraiya waved back.

He sprinted through the stairs and went to the fifth floor only to bug his friend's existence like always and try to persuade him to go hang out. He knew if Orochimaru wasn't there, Tsunade wasn't going alone with him but besides that, he was actually curious as of why Orochimaru was more distant than usual.

Jiraiya knocked on his door. "Orochimaru!" No answer. "Orochimaru!!!" he heard some footsteps and the door opened.

"What are you doing here?" growled Orochimaru.

"Well hello to you too!" whined Jiraiya.

"We saw each other like half an hour ago, what do you want?" 

"I just wanted to see if you were up for Sayoko's tonight? You know, it's been a while and-" Orochimaru cut his words.

"No!" he went to close the door immediately but Jiraiya held it. Orochimaru released and just stormed into his apartment. Jiraiya followed. He noticed how all of the tables and the sofa was filled with books and scrolls.

"Come on buddy, you get to study everyday! Why not let loose for a night?" 

"I have been getting closer to an answer I've been searching. If I don't keep up, I may lose my track." said Orochimaru still giving Jiraiya his back.

"So... you have something but you are stuck? Then what better than a break? The brain needs relaxing too you know."

Orochimaru turned around to face him.

"If I were to relax my brain like yours, it would be 24/7 and I wouldn't even know what 1+1 is."

"Oh come on Orochimaru, I didn't come here for you to insult me" laughed Jiraiya a little as he placed his hands on his pale friend's shoulders. "I just want the three of us to hang out a little!" he was shaking him. "We only get to see each other on missions nowadays."

"You just want me there because Tsunade won't hang out with you alone." said Orochimaru looking on the sides annoyed.

"Is not just for that! Come on dude! It will be fun!" he still was shaking Orochimaru.

"Let me go." 

"I will let go if you come" he grinned.

"You do know I can force you to let go, right?" Orochimaru stared at him.

"I know, but you won't do it." said Jiraiya as he then saw a snake get close to his face. "I know you won't do it, so stop it." 

Orochimaru looked at him as he hid the snake.

"Whatever, I'll go so shut up."

"YAAAAY!" celebrated Jiraiya as he hugged him in the air.

"LET ME GO YOU IDIOT" said Orochimaru very annoyed. Jiraiya let go of him laughing and Orochimaru turned around quickly hiding his face for some reason.

"Be ready by 8pm, we will wait for you downstairs." said Jiraiya excited.

"Yeah yeah" 

"If you need help with the clothes let me know! You need to look dashing for the ladies!" 

"I don't care about that." said Orochimaru but Jiraiya had already left and closed the door.

It was already 8pm. Tsunade and Jiraiya were waiting on the first floor. 

"You said he's coming right?" asked Tsunade. 

"Yes he'll coming." said Jiraiya.

*After 10 minutes.

"I think he messed with you, he would be here by now." 

"I'll go for him." said Jiraiya as he took a few steps but it was unnecessary.

The door was opening and from it came out Orochimaru and for some reason, Jiraiya opened his eyes widely and could not stop looking at Orochimaru. 


Next chapter, y'all know why xD

I hope this was a good start and that you guys enjoy this story. It won't be a super long story like my stories normally are. I'll try to post next chapter during these days if I cannot put it up tomorrow. 

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