~Tsunade Finds Out

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It was the same night they confessed. The same beautiful night at the festival. They were in Jiraiya's apartment after deciding they had enough of the festival but still wanted to stay in each other's company. How could they cut that night short after they're dreams came true?

"Here you go" said Jiraiya giving his now boyfriend a glass of sake in the balcony.


They both took a sip.

"That's plum, right?" 

"Yeah, it's great isn't?"

"It's delicious." said Orochimaru drinking some more after.

Jiraiya looked at him and grabbed his hand that wasn't holding the sake and slowly intertwined their fingers.

"So this is real... I still can't believe it." 

"Strange, isn't"


"If you were in disbelief, what does that make me?"

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked gently squeezing his hand.

"I never believed this could happen, Jiraiya. You made me sneak up on girls onsens when we were little. I thought you were the straightest person out there."

Jiraiya laughed hysterically.

"That's not funny!" 

"Fun times, huh? I guess I liked to give you a hard time... and yet you always went along, didn't you?"

Orochimaru blushed.

"Not really..." he said taking more of his sake.

"Are you blushing?" teased Jiraiya.

"NO" he replied trying to cover his face with his sake glass.

Jiraiya gently moved his hand uncovering his slightly red face looking anywhere but Jiraiya. Orochimaru was still wearing his yukata and yet again the night's breeze was gently moving his black hair just like minutes before the confession which made Jiraiya remember something.

"Can I ask you something?"

Orochimaru only shifted his eyes to look at him without moving his head as a response.

"I don't know. I might be way over my head and it might be stupid to ask this so if you don't want to answer, you don't have to."

"Just ask already" sighed Orochimaru.

Jiraiya took some time, just looking at him until he finally asked.

"I know you kissing me was your answer to me but... I was wondering... do you feel the same way?"

This time Orochimaru moved his head looking straight at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean if I feel the same?" 

"I uh- *clears his throat* what I mean is, I told you that I love you..."

Now both of them were a blushing mess.

"Seriously, Jiraiya?" Orochimaru asked in disbelief.

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to or if you don't exactly feel like that yet I under-"

"Jiraiya, of course I love you! Why do you think I lost it and almost killed that man for killing you?? I couldn't bare to lose another person in my life, I-"

He stopped, realizing what he said.

"Orochimaru?" so that's why earlier Tsunade said that guy was in bad shape at the hospital...

"I'm sorry I-" Orochimaru couldn't finish his sentence before trying leave the balcony but Jiraiya stopped him standing in front just in time.

"Hey...." he said wrapping his arms around a shaky Orochimaru.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, I'm sorry I made you worry.... but please don't resort to that again, you know I'm not gonna be easy to get rid of."

Orochimaru chuckled in his boyfriend's chest.

"Touche" seemed to relax slowly.

They stayed in the hug for little bit more until Orochimaru placed his arms slowly around Jiraiya's shoulders and looked at him.

"Let me try this again... Jiraiya, I love you. I've loved you for a very long time."

That put the biggest smile in Jiraiya's face. Even if they've been a couple for hours, he knows him enough to know that probably Orochimaru wouldn't say that quite often.

Jiraiya with his hands placed on his boyfriend's waist moved him closer, inches away from their lips.

"I love you too" 

And they closed the gap.

It started as a sweet and gentle kiss but it turned slowly into a very passionate one. Fighting who had dominance over the kiss and Orochimaru actually won which surprised Jiraiya but wasn't complaining at all. It was addicting and none of them wanted to stop.

'If his like that kissing, I can't imagine how he would be-'

But sadly his train of thought was interrupted.

"I TOLD YOU!" a very familiar voice screamed near them which made them separate from the kiss.

"Tsunade! You're screaming!" said another familiar voice.

As the guys turn to hear the voice coming from outside, they see a very drunk Tsunade and her date holding her from the waist, looking up at the balcony.


Jiraiya and Orochimaru blushed and then looked at each other.

"You told Tsunade?" they asked at the same time.

"I couldn't keep it to myself after a while and I told her the night we went on that mission... so a week ago..... you?"

"She... found out 3 years ago when you were on a mission so we went drinking and apparently I talked too much..."

They both laughed.


"Alright! I'll pay you! Just calm down!" said Daichi.

"Hey! I got more sake here! Let's celebrate!" slightly yelled Jiraiya putting his arm around Orochimaru.

"YOU GOT IT!" said Tsunade dragging Daichi with her.

And the four of them drank the sake during what was left of the night and celebrated.


Alright guys so after this, I'll post a smut chapter probably and maybe an extra chapter after that and that will be it!  I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible! Also, credit to the artist of the art, it doesn't belong to me <3

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