The struggles of Depression and suicide

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I stuffed my face with pudding in an attempt to get some sugar into my bloodstream. I heard someone walk up behind me, their footsteps sounding more menacing the closer they got. Then they reached down, as I awaited my fate and tried to hold onto my precious pudding. Now the figure that was behind me quickly snatched the pudding from under my face. 'Hey' I cried, but my mouth still had pudding in it so it sounded more like "smueh!". My older sister Arlie glared down at me. I looked guiltily at the pudding that she had taken from me.

"Jamie you know that this is my pudding!" she said while giving me a light smack on my back. "If you really wanted some you should have asked mom and dad to get you some."

I pouted, she rolled her eyes "Anyway want me to take you to school? I can drive you today".

"Sorry, but Axel is taking me today" a car honked outside "Well, speak of the devil. Bye Arlie!" I said grabbing her backpack and running outside.

Arlie would sigh and then sit down and take a bit of the pudding with Jamie's spoon.

Axel looked at me as I opened the door of the car. I flashed a charming smile at her.

"Ah there she is, my angel cake!" Axel said as she leaned over to kiss my cheek. I groaned but leaned over to Axel, allowing myself to get kissed.

"Ha ha ha, angel. Very funny and unique. We have got to come up with some better names other than angel cake." I said sarcastically.

"Hey it's not my fault you're so sweet," Axel said chuckling as she turned the key in the ignition.

"Okay enough flirting, we're going to be late if we don't go!" I complained, slapping Axel's arm.

After splitting up with Axel in the parking lot, I went to my classes. It wasn't until lunch that I noticed that Arlie wasn't at school. I assumed that Arlie must have left to go out for lunch with her friends.

After school I waited in the parking lot for Arlie to drive and pick me up. I tried to call Arlie, but her phone would just go to voicemail each time. I also tried to call my parents, but they did not pick up either. Almost an hour passed before I finally saw my Aunt Rosie's car drive up. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the other empty seat and sat down.

"Uh, hey Aunt Rosie? Why are you picking me up? '' I asked with the slightest hint of annoyance. My parents must have had a good reason to have sent Aunt Rosie, who lives an whole hour away, to pick me up. Aunt Rosie slowly looked back towards me. I had just noticed her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying earlier. She turned the ignition and drove home without saying a word.

Once they got home, I walked over to my parents who were sitting on the couch surrounded by a lot of our family members. I sat down next to them nervous

"Jamie your sister took her life this afternoon." Her father said, his voice was shaking as he said this. My mother let out a small sob. It took me some time to register this. I looked towards the floor and my breath pitched up. I began to have a panic attack and tears streamed down my face.

Over the weekend, lots of friends and family came over, bringing food, and giving their condolences about our loss. Arlie's friends and classmates shared photos on instagram with sad face emojis and angel emojis. I read most of the comments on the posts, they mainly said stuff such as "Sending my prayers to Arlie's family." or "I am so sad about this, Arlie was such a good person".

I put my phone away and laid down on my bed. I just stared at the ceiling, feeling as though I am unable to move, like I was dead, like I am Arlie in the morgue right now. A tear slid down my cheek as I watched my fan rotate. I got up from my bed and went into the hallway, and stood in front of Arlie's door.

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