Laur noticed this hesitation and placed her hands over both of the brunette's hands and brought them to her chest.

"It's okay..." Laur whispered. "I want you to touch me."

The brunette began to knead the dark haired breasts and watched the reaction it elicited. Laur leaned into the touch and threw her head back slowly. This only made Camila desire grow even more.

"Sit up." Laur politely requested of the brunette.

Camila complied and felt Lauren's idle hands sweeping around her body and unfasten her bra. The brunette laid back down, fully exposed to Laur.

"You're beautiful" was the only phrase Laur could think to say. The brunette's face flushed and she gave a slight smile.

"Just relax, okay?" Lauren whispered.

She began her assault on Camila's neck and then slowly moved her kisses to parts of the brunette's body where she's never been kissed before.

Camila closed her eyes and took in the new emotions and feelings that were evading her senses. For the next hour all that could be heard in the large basement was panting, moaning and soft murmurs of affection.

Camila gripped the bed sheets tightly, closed her eyes, and arched her back. She had no idea it would feel like this! She felt as though she had temporarily gone blind and she couldn't hear for about two seconds. Her body shook violently and she let out a loud moan that even surprised her!

Moments later the two exhausted teens lay in each others arms face to face. Their bodies snuggled close under dark sheets. Green stared into brown with unwavering care. Lauren lifted her left hand and tucked stray strands of brown hair behind Camila's ear.

"You okay?" She asked in a whisper.

Camila gave a little nod. "Yeah." she whispered back. After a moment she broke out into a huge smile and then started to giggle.

Lauren smiled too, amused at the brunette's sudden outburst.

"What?" Lauren asked.

The brunette shielded her eyes with her hand for a second and shook her head a little.

"I...I can't believe I just had sex..." Camila said still all smiles.

Laur laughed. "Well...believe it..." She said pulling the brunette's body closer. Lauren leaned forward and gave to her a gentle kiss on the lips.

Camila nuzzled her head against Lauren's and then maneuvered her position so she had her head laying on the basketball player's chest.

As Laur was stroking the brunette's head three words were on the tip of her tongue.
I love you...Come on say it.

"I..." That's all that came out of Lauren's mouth, but it was said so low Camila didn't hear the first attempt.

"I love you..." Lauren spat out. Her heart was pounding wildly.

Camila's breath caught and then she slowly raised her head and her eyes greeted very vulnerable green ones.

She gave a tender smile and cupped Lauren's cheek. "I love you too, Lauren Jauregui," Camila whispered back.

Keeping eye contact Camila put here full body on top of Lauren. She leaned down and aggressively attacked the taller one lips. Then Laur felt as though she'd lose consciousness because Camila's tongue was practically suffocating her...but in a good way.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from upstairs.

"Lauren! How many times have I told you not to lock this door! Open it right now young lady!"

While Lauren's mother was saying this whole spell both girls frantically gathering up their clothing and throwing it on.

"Okay mom!" Laur said throwing on her shirt. Camila was still getting dressed as well.

As soon as she was fully clothed Laur scaled the stairs two at a time and opened the door.

Lauren's mom stood there with an unpleasant look on her face. "What were you doing down there?" she asked with her arms crossed.

Making love. "I...uhmmm...."

Camila emerged at the foot of the staircase.

"Camila? Shouldn't you be home sweetie, it's 7:30?" Clara asked the brunette questioningly.

"Oh, yes Mrs. Jauregui, Laur and I just lost track of time," Camila said coming up the stairs. "We finished our studying and Laur was letting me listen to her knew AirPods...they block out everything."

Clara smiled at the two girls. "Well, you better take Camila home Lauren, her parents are probably worried."

Laur was about to speak but the brunette interjected. "I've already called them Mrs. Jauregui. They know I'm still here."

"Good...all right, drive careful Laur." Clara said pointing at her daughter.

"Yes, mom." Lauren said under a cold sweat. She was surprised at Camila's calmness.

Clara turned to the brunette. "Goodnight Camila" she said politely.

"Goodnight Mrs. Jauregui," the brunette said to Clara's  retreating form climbing the staircase to the second floor.

The two teens turned to each other and had sly smiles on their faces. Laur grabbed Camila's hand and gave her a tug towards the door. "Let's go."

On the drive to Camila's house Laur listened to the conversation the brunette was having on the phone with her mother.

"I know I should have called mom, but Lauren's mom asked me to stay for dinner... yeah ...okay....we're on our you too...bye." Camila closed Lauren's cell phone and let out a breath.

"Wow...who knew you were a good liar," Lauren said with amusement.

"Well, I had to say something..." Camila said slightly embarrassed.

Laur finally reached Camila's house and pulled up to the driveway. The dark haired knew she couldn't stay long so she left the engine running.

They faced one another and then looked away shyly.

"Ummm....tonight was amazing." Lauren said turning back to Camila.

The brunette slowly turned to face her mow lover. " was incredible."

Lauren let out a chuckle. "Gimma a kiss." She said with a warm smile.

Camila giggled in return and leaned over capturing her lips. This kiss started out friendly but soon started to heat up. Lauren broke the kiss first.

She looked deep into Camila's brown eyes. "You better get inside. I don't want your parents to catch us."

Camila nodded. "I know..." she said releasing a sigh.

Their faces were so close the tips of their noses were touching.

"I love you..." Camila whispered.

"I love you more..." Lauren whispered back and then placed one final kiss on the brunette's lips.

Camila opened the passenger side door and exited the Mustang. She was on her way to the door.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow!" Lauren called to her.

Camila turned around and smiled. "Okay."

Lauren pulled out of the driveway and made sure Camila was inside first. She then sped off into the night with a huge grin on her face.

The Bet on Camila (Camren) Where stories live. Discover now