27 - Wrong kisses

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Veronica's pov


There he was, that little bastard named Archie Andrews sitting with Betty Cooper. The raven-haired girl watched from across the diner as they talked about who knows what.

She stared back down at her milkshake, thinking back to when she and Betty had shared one after she broke off her relationship with Archie. The heartbreak hit her like an oncoming train but Betty was there to pick her back up.

That time, Betty was the one behind the wheel, the one to make Veronica's heart shatter. Sitting alone at her booth, she figured she deserved it, that it was just Betty's way of getting back at her for disrespecting her wishes. It was her fault, right?

Archie and Betty continued to talk the entire afternoon which Veronica thought she could brush off. She didn't think much of it since they were just talking, just her girlfriend talking to her ex boyfriend who made her feel like a piece of shit.

Veronica didn't want to leave so she could see if something else would happen. She didn't think something else would happen and she wasn't certain how she would have felt if it did. Veronica realized she was about to find as Betty and Archie stopped talking, they simply stared at each other. Betty caressed Archie's cheek with the back of her palm before connecting her lips with his.

I can't do this, I can't watch this anymore

She clenched her fist, walking out of Pop's door.

Toni's pov

Toni kicked off her shoes and hung up her black leather jacket. She looked back at Cheryl who was wiping off smudges of makeup under her eyes, looking into her hand-sized pocket mirror. As the Serpent headed to the kitchen, she thought about how strange it was to walk more than five feet to reach a refrigerator. In her small trailer, she felt as if everything she needed was at her hands. Staying inside the spacious walls of Thorn Hill, Toni felt she had the need to jog from each room.

Toni rummaged through the cabinets and found a jar of ground coffee to pour a cup in the brewer. Toni glanced behind to see Cheryl, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. The redhead took a deep breath, closed her eyes then rubbed her temple.

"Headache, babe?" the Serpent crossed her arms.

"My head is pounding," Cheryl groaned.

"Do you want me to make you some jasmine tea to make you feel better?" Toni offered.

"That would be lovely," the redhead grinned.

The Serpent turned on the kettle and poured the boiled water into a cup. She placed a teabag in the cup before pouring the coffee in a mug. Toni handed the teacup to the redhead and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before sitting on the stool next to her.

"Urgh, my parents are such nightmares," the redhead sighed "I'm so glad that this is all going to be over soon," she sipped her tea.

"Yeah, we just have to wait for your parent's trial and hopefully this hell will end,"

"But what if, somehow, my parents win the trial, or at least they manage to receive a shorter sentence," Cheryl pondered.

"Don't worry, Cheryl," the Serpent pulled her closer "no matter how good their lawyers are, you have even better options against them," she reassured "and even it the trial doesn't work out, you'll have me to protect you,"

"Oh TT, what would I do without you," the redhead placed her hand on Toni's arm.

"It's a good thing we'll never have to find out," the Serpent whispered softly as she leaned forward, pressing her pinkish lips against Cheryl's.

Veronica's pov

The raven-haired girl entered her apartment, closing the door behind her. She pressed her back against the finished wood and slid down to the carpeted floor. Veronica hugged her knees and broke in tears, sobbing into her arms. She had just discovered how much pain could be inflicted by the people you love most. Betty had been there for Veronica when her heart was broken over and over again. She saw the way she broke down when Archie walked out of the music room. Veronica believed Betty had healed her pain but it all came flooding back. She wanted the pain to end, or at least, numb.


The raven-haired girl stared at her father's liquor cabinet, thinking it would make everything feel better. She would always use alcohol as a way to loosen up. It made herself, at the moment, forget everything that is constantly drowning her in life. She knew it wasn't healthy, but she couldn't find any other options.

Toni's pov

Toni sat in bed on the ruby red bedspread. She held Cheryl in her arms as she kissed her up and down her neck.

"As much as I am enjoying this," the redhead pulled away, "I think we should get dressed,"

"Right," the Serpent rubbed the lipstick off the crease of her lips.

Cheryl went into the bathroom as Toni jumped off the bed to pick out some nightwear. Before taking off her shirt, she heard her ringtone play from the bed. She picked up her phone to see Veronica's contact name before answering the call.

"Hey, Veronica," she picked up to hear soft sobs from the other end.

"B-Betty left me and I kinda need someone to talk to," Veronica sniffed.

"Wait, what?" the Serpent furrowed her eyebrows "What happened between you two?"

"I-I just want someone to t-talk to, in person," Veronica pleaded. Something felt off, it wasn't just the crying and the sudden demand but there was a strange manner of speech coming from the raven-haired girl.

"Wait, Veronica, were you drinking?"

"Just a bit," she mumbled through the phone.

"Alright... I'll just come over to talk to you at your apart-"

"No, not there," Veronica cut her off "I'll be outside,"

"Alright, I'll see you there," Toni said before ending the call.

The Serpent sent a text to Cheryl, telling her where she was going before heading down the stairs. She threw on her leather jacket and slipped her phone in her pocket. As Toni drove in the direction of the Pembrooke, she thought about how that must have been why Veronica was avoiding Betty.


Toni parked across the street from where Veronica stood outside. When she met up with her, she noticed her eyes were watery and bright red. Instinctively, the Serpent pulled in the raven-haired girl for a tight embrace

"It'll be alright," Toni reassured as the few tears trickled down from Veronica's cheeks.

"I j-just can't bel-believe she would do such a thing," she choked up.

"Why did Betty breakup with you?"

Veronica explained everything, from their argument about their fathers to what she saw at Pop's earlier that day. She even scratched the surface about why she broke up with Archie to give Toni some perspective. Toni listened to every detail through all the sobs and weeps. She thought that Betty undoubtedly overreacted and she tried to convince Veronica that it wasn't her fault, but she kept denying it.

"Don't worry, Betty will come around, and if doesn't, you'll find someone better," the Serpent gave her a reassuring grin.

The raven-haired girl didn't say anything more, she simply stared. Toni could tell she was feeling better than she did a half-hour ago. Yet, Veronica's smile faded away, leaving a slightly gaped mouth.

"Veronica, are you o-" the raven-haired girl leaned forward and connected her lips with the Serpent's before she could finish her sentence.

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