24 - Bars

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Toni's pov

Toni sat in the front seat of Cheryl's car as she watched her hands tremble nervously whilst turning the steering wheel. Her breath steadied up when Toni placed her hand on her arm, giving the redhead a comforting crooked grin.

"It's going to be ok," the Serpent ensured "I'll be there by your side during the entire time if you need,"

"I'm sorry, I'm just anxious and I'm scared about what my parents would say," Cheryl sighed deeply.

"Don't apologize for being nervous, remember, whatever your parents think or say, just fuck it, their words don't matter anymore. You don't even have to talk to them if it makes you this worrisome," Toni reassured "you know what, let's change the subject," the serpent twirled her thumbs "Did Veronica seem strange today?"

"Yeah, I did actually, I tried to bring up Betty around her but she avoided her topic like the plague,"

"Oh, she did?" Toni raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but not in an insulted manner, more like an embarrassed manner,"

"Earlier today, I saw Veronica in the bathroom, she seemed like she was on the verge of bursting into tears," Toni added "I tried to talk to her but she just stormed out of the room, not saying much,"

"I haven't even run into her today but do you think it might have anything to do with Betty?" Cheryl suggested the possibility as she parked her car in front of the Sheriff's station.

"Not sure," Toni held the door open as Cheryl entered the station.

Toni took a seat in the waiting area, waiting for the redhead to finish up at the reception. The Serpent glanced around the room to see mostly empty seats. It was without a doubt that Riverdale was a crime-filled town, but most criminals were able to stay on the streets. Toni's mother would always complain about the shitty police department before she moved away. That was probably the only thing they could agree on about the town.

A half-hour later, Sheriff Keller walked into the waiting room and gestured to the hallway. Cheryl got up from her seat, heading to the office as Toni followed her. The redhead reached out her hand to get a hold of Toni's as they entered the office. The sheriff rummaged through his filing cabinets before taking out stacks of paperwork and a clipboard which he placed on his desk in front of the redhead.

"We'll just need you to sign a couple of documents," he said as he began to write on the clipboard.

"Simple enough," Cheryl reached for a pen from the holder sitting on the desk.

"What is she doing here with you?" he gestured his pencil to the Serpent "what relation do you have to the victim?"

"She's myyy... emotional support," the redhead smiled "is that alright?"

"Of course," he nodded "so here's the contact information for your parent's layer, you need to confirm the..."

Toni felt Cheryl's embrace tighten as the redhead blankly stared at the parers and the sheriff who kept explaining the entire process. The Serpent could tell that all her focus was consumed by the thoughts and worries of her parents. Toni had a horrible experience coming out to her own family, but she couldn't begin to imagine how the Blossoms would react.

"... now if you and Toni would like to see the Blossoms before we begin the paperwork, just follow me,"

The sheriff, followed by the two girls, walked out of the office and through the hall. They passed the room of holding cells which Toni had stayed a few nights prior. The place where Cheryl's parents were kept had greater security priorities as it might have been the cells with the highest level of security in Riverdale. Although rumours of Hiram Lodge building a prison on the remains of Southside, the Sheriff station would suffice.

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