2 - A crush is born

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Toni followed the small crowd into the school. She watched from the end of the hallway as they all started to separate and went to their lockers.

Once everyone was gone, she saw the redhead near the other end of the hall on her phone leaning against a locker.

Toni noticed how much taller she than her. She always knew she was short but for some reason it made her feel nervous now.

Everything made her feel a bit nervous, which was strange. Toni has seen many hot girls before but none of them made her feel this way. She felt like she was forming a heavy crush on her. Who could blame her? She was gorgeous.

Toni tried to build up some courage to go talk to her but before she could Betty approached Cheryl and they started talking.

uhh.. maybe later

Toni thought to her self.

Cheryl's pov

Cheryl looked up from her phone, she felt like she was being watched. But before she could look around, Betty approached her.

"Hey Cher," she said as Cheryl turned her head.

"Cousin, if you need anything make it fast, class starts soon," she replied, looking at the clock.

"I was just wondering if you'd like to go to a party Veronica and I are hosting at the Pembrooke tonight,"

"That drug lord home?" Cheryl said in a sarcastic tone "If you must host a party I insist you do it at Thorn hill," she said trying to be nice but still sounded rude.

"Would your parents even allow that?" Betty asked raising an eyebrow.

"Mother and Father are on a business trip," she reassured. "We can have the mansion all to our selves,"

"Wow! Thanks Cheryl," Betty said in a surprised tone "that's actually really nice of you. I'll text Veronica the news,"

"See you around little bird," Cheryl said, looking at herself in a hand mirror.

The bell rang and all the students started to head to class.

Toni's pov

Everyone was rushing around the halls to the classrooms. Cheryl walk right pass Toni which made her heart beat as loud as speakers. She watched as the redhead walked away with her hips subtly swaying.

Wow she's hot, and that ass.. damn How doesn't every girl find that attractive? I wonder if she does.

Toni thought to herself.

"Hi there," a voice from behind startled Toni. She turned around to see a dark haired girl in a dark purple dress.

"I'm Veronica," she put her hand out to shake Toni's "You must be Antoinette,"

"Toni is what everyone calls me," the name sounded so weird coming from someone who wasn't her mom.

"So you're that Toni Topaz," Veronica smiled "Jughead talks about you quite a bit,"

Jughead only knows one Veronica. She's the Lodge kid. As in Hiram Lodge.

Toni thought.

"Lodge is it?" She asked "as in Hir-"

"Yes, I know who my father is," Veronica interrupted "and I know what he did to Southside and I'm very sorry," she said, looking down.

"It's not your fault, Jug told me at least,"

"Well anyways... Welcome to Riverdale high, I'm going to be giving you the tour," Veronica said with a welcoming grin. She looked at some papers and looked around for a second.

"I'm also supposed to be giving the tour to..." she looked at the papers once again "..Sweet pea and Fangs Fogarty,"

"I know where they are come on," Toni walked towards her friends who were still at the entrance and Veronica followed her.


"And finally to end our tour, the gym where PE takes place and us River Vixens practice after school," Veronica said pointing to the gymnasium door.

"What are the River Vixens?" Toni asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's Riverdale high's very own cheer team," Veronica said with some pep.

Toni could tell she was going to like this girl. She was so kind and welcoming even though her father is the one who shut down Southside.

"You should definitely try out," Veronica suggested.

"Maybe I will... who's on the team?"

"Me, Betty Cooper, Cheryl Blossom..." Toni ignored every other name after she heard Cheryl's. Now she knew she had to try out for the team.

"... and one more thing," Veronica said after listing the names "There's a party a Thorn Hill tonight you should totally come,"

"Sure I got nothing better to do tonight," Toni said looking back at Sweetpea and Fangs.

"You guys should come too," Veronica insisted.

"Sounds great right, Sweets," Fangs looked up at Sweetpea.

"Sure thing," Sweetpea said, patting Toni's shoulder.

They exchanged numbers and headed towards their second period classroom.

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