"I won't because I can't," The blonde smiled boastfully when her friend's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh its much more scandalous," She giggled delighted "A new monarch has taken the reigns," She winked at her own pun.

"A new monarch?"

"Oh yes. King Thaddeus has taken his place on the thrown," She spoke in her most aristocrat voice.

"King Thaddeus?" strange name, "How? What claim has he taken to the thrown? What are his origins?" Questions fired out of her frantically.

Fortunately, Lucia knew her friend well.

"Killed King Alistair and took his place I suppose," She shrugged "He was the leader of a rebellion. As for his origins... well its mystery I suppose. Some say he's a descendant from the forest beasts"

"Forest beasts?"

"Yes. A man by day and a beast by night," She whispered conspiringly.

"Those just stories my Grandmother tells me," Camellia rolled her eyes

"Doesn't mean they're not true!" Lucia (like most in the village) was a firm a believer that their were monsters lurking in the woods.

"She pulls out the bible when a black cat walks by!" She countered

Lucia groaned before a spark shone in her eyes.

"Didn't you come across one as a child," She smiled wickedly

"It was just an animal, there was nothing mystical about it," Camellia rolled her eyes.

"Well, whether you believe them or not that's the rumours they're spreading," Lucia deadpanned bluntly.

Camellia agreed with her friend but deep inside she felt a spark of curiosity course through her, she fondly remembered the wolf she met when she was younger.

It is not too childish to hope that...

She shook her train of thought.

"But that's not all!" Her friend declared.

"Oh?"Her brow arched again.

"Mr Morris tells me that he's coming our way!"

Her head so spun so quickly she was surprised it stayed on her neck.

"Whatever for?" She exasperated

"Apparently he comes bearing gifts and promises of a prosperous future," Lucia frowned tapping her chin.

"How strange?" Camellia's thoughts drifted as the market started to come into view.

"I know!"

"Most Kings request the people come to them rather than the other way round," Her brows furrowed and she became lost in thought.

"Miss Bate! Oh, Miss Bates!" A sing voice interrupted her chain of thought.

Looking to her left, She saw Mrs Garner scuttle her way towards her. She was a rather plump lady with pale hair and rosy cheeks but despite her welcoming appearance, Camellia was well aware of the prejudice that lay beneath.

"Ah, good morning Mrs Garner," She bowed her head politely, hoping this was when their discussion ended.

"My dear, you've heard the news," The woman fanned herself dramatically

Without letting her annoyance show, she stopped in her tracks and faced the women so desperate for conversation.

"Of course, we're under new sovereignty," Her voice monotone

"But haven't you heard he's one of the beasts from the forest! And He's going to be here in a weeks time! Oh the horror," Mr Garner tutted her pretentiousness clearly getting the best of her.

"Surely, as our new King, we can't exactly call him a Beast," She reasoned thinly concealing her irritation.

"Like I'd call that abomination our King,"

Camellia clenched her jaw.

"Beg your -"

"You're quite right, Ms Garner" Lucia quickly dragged her friend away from her "Well we best be off now," she called over her shoulder.

"What a narrowed mind woman!?" Camellia spat when they were far enough away.

Whilst she loved the village she was in and was glad to have a place to call home, she was often reminded of how ignorant the people here were. They had lived their whole lives here and their mothers and fathers before them, they hadn't stepped a foot outside their small bubble. They can't (or rather won't) see past the walls they placed around them. It often frustrated Camellia. She longed to discover new people and towns and even possibly cities.

♚  ♚  ♚

The picture at the top is Camellia btw ^^

so, what do you think of Mrs Garner?

why do think the King is actually visiting the villages? ;)))

vote and comment!

(also do u want a full cast w pics should I leave that to ur imagination)

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