Sorry for Being a Psycho, Phi!

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During a break, I was going to enter the office to get some ice-tea.  I was near the door when I heard Mew and Mild's laughs coming from inside.  I wanted to hear them talk, so I slowed down and bent over. I untied my laces and started to tie them again as slowly as I could.

'Trust, me. He's crazy about you,' Mild said.

'Stop!' Mew answered still laughing. 'You give terrible advice.'

'I'm serious.  Just admit that you like him.'

'I won't, because I don't.'

I jumped back on my feet like a scared cat and in a second I was at the end of the corridor. I felt a hand grabbing my arm, so I turned around.  Boat and Kao were behind me and they had seen everything.  I felt the heat on my face and I knew I was crimson.  I was ready to crush Mild's head with a rock. They noticed that I was furious, so Kao told Boat 'Take him outside, to the dumpsters. I'll get Mild.'

I sat on the floor, with my head between my knees. I could hardly breath. I wanted to kill him. Boat wouldn't shut up. He was going on and on about the problems I would have with the team if I kicked Mild's scrawny ass. 

When Kao arrived with Mild, I was barely calmer. I stood up suddenly and everyone flinched. Mild was smiling, but he stayed three meters away from me and he wouldn't come closer. Every time I gave a step forward, he would give a step back. 'I'm sure he can explain,' Kao said.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply and I looked into his eyes like a lunatic.  'Explain,' I roared. 

Mild sighed impatiently. 'Ok, yes, I told him. But I did it because I thought that he would feel more confident and he would finally talk to you.'

I was confused.  'I still don't get it,' I said with contempt.

'Look, sweety. I've known Mew for a while.  I can tell that he likes you too, but after everything that happened to him, I know he won't admit it.  I thought that he would be honest with me at least, but he's too scared.'

'So you made me look like an idiot in front of him,' I said, still livid.

'No! Why would you look like an idiot for liking someone? Anyway, he's the idiot because he doesn't believe me.'

'Why not?' I was starting to calm, but I was getting sadder and sadder.

'I think he's not ready.  I don't believe he's over with what happened last year yet.  I'm sorry.' He winced.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, so I wiped them with the back of my arm before they ran down my face. I sighed deeply and I looked around.  The guys had left us alone.

'That doesn't mean he doesn't like you. It's just he can't deal with his feelings right now. I think he doesn't believe that you like him and he won't put his career on the line again. Does it make sense?'

'It does. I can wait. I can make him believe in me.'

'Are you sure that you really want to pursue him? You haven't been with a man before,' he asked. I could hear the concern in his voice.

'Yes, krub.  I've never felt what I'm feeling for him before.' My voiced quivered and a tear ran down my cheek.

'Then you need to make a decision, nong.'

'About what, krub?' He looked at me and I got it immediately. 'Oh. Yes, krub. I'll break up with her tonight.' And I added 'Thank you, khun. I'm sorry I got mad at you.'

Mild smiled and hugged me. 'You are such a baby, nong.  Look at how polite you are now,' he said laughing.

'Sorry, phi.  Thank you.  But, phi... Can I ask you something?'

'Sure, nong.'

'Do you like him too?' In my mind that was a fact, so I added without thinking, 'Why are you helping me?'

His eyes were glassy and looked infinitely sad, but he still smiled.  'Don't worry, nong. That's a ship that'll never sail.  We are friends, that's all.'  He looked me in the eye and added 'Make him happy. Ok, nong?'

'Yes, khun.' We were walking slowly towards the entrance of the studio when I suddenly stopped to look him in the eye. 'Phi... I think that Boat likes you!' I blurted out quickly. 

Mild chuckled softly and said 'Oh! Shut up!'

 This time, his smiled did reach his eyes. 

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