I Like a Boy, Sue me

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This is a fan fiction based loosely on the lives of Thai actors Mew Suppasit and Gulf Kanawut, who first met in the audition for the BL TharnType The Series in January 2019, and a secondary couple based on Mild Suttinut and Boat Napat. I respect their choices and preferences and I love their performances no matter what they do in their private lives. This fiction is written purely for entertainment purposes and doesn't intend to hurt anyone feelings. There will be some mature content in a few chapters.  Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.

 I hope you enjoy it!




I Like a Boy, Sue me

'So... What are you going to do?' Run whispered, and he leaned forward to hear my answer.

'Confess, already!' Kao added in a low voice. Run,Kao and Boat looked at me expectantly,  with a mischievous smirk on their faces.   Run added, 'You can't keep pining for him without saying a word. And if you are not fast enough, Mild is going to convince him sooner or later.'

'That would be a nightmare. I think he likes p'Mew too. I love Mild, but lately, when I see them together I just want to punch him on the nose.  I'd die if I have to see them as boyfriends in front of me every day,' I may or may not cried in a hardly audible voice.  

'That's ridiculous. They're are just friends!' Boat protested in a whisper with a flustered expression.  At that moment, Mew and Mild burst out laughing just when they were crossing the door. 

'What's so funny?' I asked them quickly. 'Are you laughing at us?' 

Mild and Mew looked at each other and giggled.  Mild took Mew's script from his hands and rolled it. He held it between his fingers like a cigarette and touch his mouth with the tip of his fingers. He smiled like the Joker and said 'You wouldn't get it.'

They all cackled at the joke. Mew laughed heartily, 'Please stop. I can't laugh anymore. My belly is aching.'

That made the boys burst out again. Ahhggg I hate them.

'Sorry to interrupt boys. I wish I had time to laugh like that,' P'MAME said with fake annoyance. 

'Sorry, p!' We all said at once. 

'No worries. If my boys are happy, I'm happy,' she answered smiling, 'I need you to read these lines. Gulf, you can rest for now.'

'Thank you, p,' I answered really grateful.

I left the room as soon as I could without running and entered the restroom. I looked in the mirror and I studied myself. My ears were a little red and my eyes looked glassy. I washed my face and went out without drying it. I decided to walk for a while to chill myself, so I got a bottle of water and left the building. 'Just for 30 minutes,' I told myself.  Seeing him so happy and having fun with someone else, my friend, was killing me.  I wanted to punch them both. 'What the heck were they laughing like that about?' I surprised myself saying aloud. 

He was so handsome when I saw him for the first time. He was surrounded by fans. 'What a show off.' I knew I had seen him before but I couldn't pinpoint where.  So I did a little research on my phone and I found him:  Mew Suppasit from 'What the Duck?' Oh, yes. I didn't like the series very much, but I remembered him. He was with that cute kid, Art.  I remembered having read something about a scandal. Mew liked Art for real and he didn't like him back. Or was he straight? I didn't know. Anyways, that kid's loss. At that moment I had a girlfriend, beautiful and caring. I always had considered myself as 'Straight', but since I was in the 10th grade I'd known that boys were not totally out of the question for me. At that time, I kind of liked one of my friends until I met a pretty girl who asked me out and I decided that being straight was the easiest. I wasn't repulsed by the idea of being with a boy, I just thought that my family would be happier if I got myself a girlfriend. 

I was a little nervous about playing a part in a BL. I knew I would have to kiss and hug and touch and be touched by other guy.  I didn't love the idea but my manager made me realize that it was the faster way to boost my career.  I read my part with several actors without any incidents.  I was ecstatic when I got the part and I thought that I would be able to handle it well.  And then, when we had to read a scene together for the role of Tharn, for some reason I felt myself blushing hard. My ears were really hot, so I knew that my face and ears were completely red. 'Why? Why blushing now? why did I feel so shy with him?' He noticed but he said nothing, he just smiled sweetly at me and I felt so giddy that I stumbled. I wanted to die.  I 'd never felt so stupid in my whole life. 'How could I be one of the main characters of the series next to this god?' He was so collected, so profesional, so in control. He looked like a supermodel and I... I wasn't bad myself, but I didn't have his ivory complexion or his beautiful eyes.  When p'May asked me whom I had felt better acting with I said his name, but I think that she only wanted to see if my ears turned red again. The answer was obvious for everyone and just like that, we started to attend acting workshops. 

If I was nervous before the audition, I was terrified now. My girlfriend tried very hard to give me support but I was a nervous wreck. I knew I was going to see him and I had to concentrate with all my might not to blush this time. The workshop was aimed to make us feel comfortable with the rest of the cast, to build chemistry among us. I immediately clicked with all of the guys. Actually, we became friends. However, I still couldn't be calm when he was around me. I faked of course. I was an actor, thank God, so I managed to hide my turmoil. But I felt that I had to do something and it had to be fast. 


The cover is a beautiful fanart made by Kimi (@_minttin), check it on Twitter.  

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