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san was outside, leaning against the wall with both arms for support and trying to take his breaths as deep as possible.

despite that he still threw up, adding to the small pool already under him and only disgusting himself more, moving one hand up to hold his head.

he knew it had been a bad idea to drink so much, but he had been too awkward to talk to anyone. so now he was here, alone and feeling like he was about to pass out.

"fuck," he cursed, realising he needed to do something and using the wall as guidance as he tried to find his way back inside, telling himself to find the bathroom. "oh fuck."

somehow he ended up in the kitchen instead, washing his hands under the sink when his fucked up mind had convinced him the walls of the house had been dirty.

there was a couple making out on the counter, san ignoring them as he hung his mouth under the stream of water and eagerly drank from it.

another person walked in, walking in confident stepped and definitely way less intoxicated than he was.

he placed a hand on his back, slightly soothing to feel something that pulled him back to earth. "are you alright?"

san pulled back from the sink; he didn't know that the front of his shirt was wet from how much he missed and that there were twigs in his hair from when he had fallen into a bush.

in his mind, he would easily get away with a nod and a smile, even giving a wobbly thumbs up to emphasise just how perfectly fine he was doing.

"right," the stranger replied, skeptical of his answer and helping him stand upright, handing him a cup with water instead. "come with me."

he was curious, wondering if he was being taken away so he could be taken advantage of or if the other wanted to show him something weird, but he was naive and followed behind.

the stranger ended up taking him to a slightly secluded room, a few people spread out over couches and way less chaotic than where the main party was held.

"found this poor thing absolutely destroyed," he told the people sitting on the couches. "it didn't seem safe for him to be alone right now, he's extremely intoxicated. hongjoong, could you please get him some damp towels?"

the boy nodded, hoisting himself off of the couch and going into a room adjacent to the one they were in.

meanwhile, wooyoung sat him down on an empty spot on one of the couches, taking a blanket and tucking it over him, taking the cup of water and offering him small sips.

hongjoong returned with a few damp towels, handing them to him so he could press them to san's forehead with one hand as he pulled the twigs out of his hair with the other.



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