"You Can't Buy Me"

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You can't buy me
With money or looks
Or with anything else that you have
Because a person doesn't fall in love with money or looks they fall in love with the personality the persons soul and heart

If you think you can buy me
Then you are dead wrong
No matter how poor I become
I will never be a gold digger

Just save your breath and save your money
Because you are on my last nerve
If you do anything horrible next
I promise I will leave you without looking back

Just shut up and fix your attitude
Don't buy someone's love with anything
Because if you manage to buy them out
Then that isn't love that's just desperation
And they're not even being desperate for you
They're being desperate for what you can give them

I'm telling you one last time
If you pull another stunt like this
Then I swear I'll never be yours
And I'll be out of your life faster than you can even say bye

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