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First written: March. 2nd. 2020.

Edited; March. 7th. 2020.

No one's p.o.v

"This is a story of how I died.... but don't worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is- it isn't even mine, this is a story of a girl named (Y/n). And it starts... with the sun! Now once upon a time: a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. From this small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower, it had the ability to heal the sick and injured." As the voice explained, we see the golden flower begin to sprout from the ground- and an old woman found it too. "Oh, you see that women right there? You might wanna remember her, she's kind of important."

"Well, centuries passed, and a hop, skip and a boat ride away- there grew a kingdom... the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. And the queen.... well she was just about to have a baby, but she got sick....... really sick. She was running out of time and that's when people start to look around for a miracle. Or in this case.. a magic golden flower" now we're back with seeing that same old woman with a lantern. "Ah, I told you she'd be important" the voice said once again, let's describe that woman now. Shall we?

This woman had died her hair a pink color, she always wore a white dress, even though she has a kid- she left him and decided to live alone. Abandoned all of her problems after she got the kid, but that was just not so recently during her time. Because believe you me, she has a lot of time, had friends, abandoned them too- she wasn't the best. "You see, instead of sharing the suns gift, this women- Rose, hoarded it's healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. All she had to do was sing a special song- before we get to that, let me tell you about what she did sixteen years ago."

As we see Rose lift up a camoflauged cover, the voice continued "she found a man that she loved with all of her heart, but after a while.... she realized that she was pregnant. When she told the man, Greg, she was worried while he was so excited to be a parent with her. At that point, after she delivered the boy, she left the two, she left the man with all of her friends. She said she didn't need them anymore, just like she lived alone in a tower, she knew she was gonna outlive them. Now this is where we're at- she's singing the song" "flower gleam and glow~ Let your power shine, make the clock reverse... bring back what once was mine.. what once was mine.~"

"Alright, you get the jist, she sings to it- she turns young... creepy, right?" Rose heard the people coming so she hid the flower once again. Thing was, she accidentally bumped it with her lantern as she went to hide in a bush. "We found it!" One of the guards yelled as they went down to the flower, grabbing it with the ground. Rose narrowed her eyes with a glare as she watched them grab the flower, then she followed them in the shadows. "The magic of the golden flower healed the queen, a healthy baby girl- a princess was born. With beautiful golden hair- literally, it's like they painted it gold, like they dyed it, it's not even blonde."

The voice continued with saying "I'll give you a hint.... that's (Y/n)" now we see the adorable little girl, the king just set her crown on her head. She was just cooing and laughing her little heart out as she looked up at her two wonderful parents. "To celebrate her birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky." Now we get to see the king and queen let the latern go into the sky as they held (Y/n) together. "From that one moment, everything was perfect!.... and then that moment ended" that night is when everything changed.

(Y/n)'s window opened with a creak as Rose snuck her way in, peering over (Y/n) as she begun to sing the song once again to be younger. Sad thing was, Rose had scissors with her as she sung the song, (Y/n)'s hair was glowing golden. "Make the clock rever-" Rose stopped singing as she cut a small piece of (Y/n)'s hair off. Her hair though..... it turned (h/c) instead of still glowing golden from it not being on (Y/n)'s head. The cut made Rose turn old again, reversing what she literally just reversed one second ago.

"Rose broke into the castle, stole the child and just like that... gone!" The voice continued to explain as it happened, the king and queen seen this happen too. Only because Rose woke the child and (Y/n) begun to cry as she was being carried away. "The kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the princess, for deep within a forest- in a hidden tower, Rose raised the child as her own." After years have passed, we see Rose brushing (Y/n)s hair as she sang the song, getting Rose to be young again. "Rose had found her new magic flower, but this time... she was determined to keep it hidden."

"Why can't I go outside" young (Y/n) asked Rose sadly, so Rose says "the outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible selfish people. You must stay here where you're safe, do you understand, Flower?" (Y/n) looked at the fire sadly. "Yes, mommy" she says as Rose was still brushing her hair that was really long for a girl her age. "We talked about this, Flower..." "yes, Rose" ....... "But the walls of that tower couldn't hide everything, each year on her birthday- the king and queen release thousands of lanterns into the sky. All in hope that one day, their lost princess would return" we're now seeing (Y/n) look up at the night sky.

She was so happy to see those lanterns fly up into the sky.... she did this as the years went on, until she was about to turn eighteen.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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