Chapter 14

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Erika's POV

It's been a full year and right now I'm at cheer camp. I'm mostly just here to help Bucky. For one month of the summer, I went on a little vacation with my mom and dad, my birth parents, and it was fun.

It's the second month of summer and even though I could've stayed home and do nothing, I chose to help Bucky.

Also, my pink hair decided to spread and show more. I think it looks nice... but once someone comments something bad about it, insecurities comes back.

 but once someone comments something bad about it, insecurities comes back

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(yes I know it's purple but just go with it!)

As for Zed and Addison... I haven't really forgiven Addison and she hasn't apologized. But I'm still there for her, I always am.

Zed and I are okay but not... totally. He "forgave" me for kissing Zeke. I'm guessing Addison still hasn't told him what she made Zeke do.

And speaking of Zeke, I got his number and we text every other day. I finally forgave him and he's been comforting me every time I needed to rant about Zed or Addison.

And sadly, Tracey had to move too. It was one of the saddest days of my life. "I'm going to miss you Erika. But you have my number, so call me every day!" He said to me and we do.

We FaceTime every day.

Bucky and Eliza are still going on as the cutest couple to walk this planet. I bet they miss each other.

Bucky recruited a new Acey recently, he's going to introduce him soon at cheer camp.

As for the Aceys, they're still with me by my side. Lacey and Stacey told JC about Addison. So he is in on hating her. They've been on my side so they give her a hard time. She think it's because of her hair which is so not true. Because they could care less about the color of her hair.

They make it seem like it's about her hair so she doesn't know the real reason why they are rude to her.

Right now we're getting ready for a little competition. Well the others, like I said. I'm just here to help Bucky.

Welcome to Cheer Camp!

"Split up!"

Everyone made room for Bucky to do a cheer stunt. Everyone cheered but stopped when Bucky said to.

I just stood at the back.

"Now you've all heard the story of blood thirsty monsters that roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders."

"Boo!" The other Aceys yelled to scare Bree and Bonzo. They screamed and hugged each other out of fear but immediately pulled away, giving each other awkward smiles.

𝙒𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙒𝙖𝙮 | Z-O-M-B-I-E-S ² Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora