Chapter 10

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School went by pretty slow.

Bucky hung with Erika the whole day trying to cheer her up.

"Come on! The Cheer championship is soon!" Bucky said.

"Yea Bucky. Ik your trying to cheer me up but it's not working." Erika said.

"Let's go to cheer practice." Bucky said and the two asked to cheer practice.

"Ik ur sad. And I believe u when u say Zeke kissed u. Because u love Zed. U wouldn't want to hurt him" Bucky said.

"But let's get past it rn and cheer" Bucky said.

Bucky then blew his whistle making everyone out their attention on him.

"Ok everyone we're gonna practice what we have so far then ima teach u what's next. Get into position." Bucky yelled and everyone did as told.

Bucky played the music and everyone started the cheer routine.

Erika was tossed up in the air and she was caught. But when she was supposed to stand on the guys hands, she fell back.

"Ow." Erika said.

Bree picked her up.

"Are u ok?" Bree asked and Erika nodded.

Bucky blew the whistle.

"Ok. Let's try it again. And focus people" Bucky said.

Erika was once again thrown up into the air and was caught. And she was able to stand on their hands.

Erika was put down and forgot what was next.

Bucky blew the whistle again.

"Erika!" Bucky said in frustration.

Erika sighed.

"I'm sorry" Erika said.

"Bucky. Give her a break. Her and Zed broke up." Lacey whispered to Bucky.

"Yea. Her heart is broken and obviously it's gonna affect her rn." Tracey said.

Bucky tolled his eyes.

"Addison talk to her. Cheer her up!" Bucky said.

Addison nodded.

Addison grabbed Erika's hand and pulled her to the other side of the gym.

"Why would u do that to Zed?" Addison asked crossing her arms.

"Ur supposed to try to cheer me up" "Tea I'm not doing that." Addison said.

"U lied and kissed another boy. If I was with him I would do no such thing." Addison said.

"Zeke. Kissed. Me" Erika said.

"Yea. I'm not buying that." Addison said.

"I love Zed. I loved him so much. I never wanted to hurt him. Zeke told me it was just gonna be best friends hanging out but that wasn't true. I didn't want to" Erika said her eyes getting watery.

"Yea well, it doesn't matter hat happened. U broke Zeds heart." Addison said.

"Why aren't u taking my side?" Erika asked.

𝙒𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙒𝙖𝙮 | Z-O-M-B-I-E-S ² Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang