Chapter 8

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The next day Erika was walking alone to school.

Erika got to the school.

She was about to go in but someone grabbed her wrist.

Erika turned around and punched the person.

The person groaned in pain and held on to their nose, which was bleeding.

Erika's eyes widened. "Omg. Zed I am so sorry" Erika said.

She got a tissue out of her bag and put it on Zed's nose.

"Don't do that." Erika said and sitting Zed at a table.

"Now I know not to" Zed said holding his nose.

The bleeding stopped.

"Why did u do that?" Erika asked.

"Cuz I need to talk to u. And I thought if I called out ur name. Someone would take u somewhere" Zed said.

"What do u want to talk about?" Erika asked.

Zed sighed.

"Are u cheating on me? And why are u avoiding me?" Zed asked.

Erika was confused.

"Why would u think I'm cheating on u?" Erika asked

"U and Zeke. I saw u guys at family game night. The way he looks at u. The way he puts his arm around u. And they way he makes jokes and makes u laugh" Zed said.

"No. Zeke is my best friend. There's nothing going on between us. I swear. I love u and only u" Erika said.

"And I don't want to avoid u. I'm grounded. I couldn't see u. My mom thinks ur getting me in trouble" Erika said.

"Oh thank god" Zed sighed.

"I'm sorry. But, today is the last day I'm grounded." Erika smiled.

"I hate how u and Zeke have been partners. Well, once Bucky sat with u, but besides that I hate it" Zed said.

"Partners on tm?" Erika asked.

"Yea" Zed answered.

"Erika!" Zeke called.

"I'll see u later. Or tm" Erika said and kissed him.

Zed and Erika smiled at each other.

Erika then walked to Zeke.

"Hi Zeke" Erika said.

"Hi Erika. I see ur talking to Zed." Zeke said.

"Well, td is the last day of my punishment. So what's the harm?" Erika said.

"Well, I just came by to tell u that cheer practice is canceled td. Bucky wanted me to tell u" Zeke said.

"Oh ok" Erika said.

"Zed!" Erika called and was about to walk away by Zeke stopped her.

Zed started walking to Erika.

"Do u want to hang out td after school?" Zeke asked.

"Sure. Can Zed come?" Erika asked.

Zeke looked at Zed who was walking over.

"No. I just wanted it to be a best friend hang out" Zeke said.

"Oh. Ok" Erika said.

"Great. See u later" Zeke said.

He winked at her and walked away.

Zed noticed the wink.

"Did u see that?!" He asked with a whisper tone.

"What?" "He just winked at u" Zed said angry.

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