Chapter One - Aquarius

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I tied half of my hair back to try to get out of my face. I walked through my village. I love living here. Even though my family is really poor, I still try to enjoy every moment that I have. But sometimes I end up doing something bad. I walked on the dirt street of the Water Barrier village. I looked at my left hand, to stare at my birthmark, again. I looked up to see a horse and carriage coming towards me. The horse is out of control. I ran off to the side. Right when the horse was about to run past me, I ran and jumped onto the carriage. I grabbed the reigns and pulled them back to tell them to slow down. The horse listened and started to slow down. It took some time but the horse finally stopped. I got off of the carriage to walk toward the horse. I let the horse sniff my hand first. It nudged its head against my hand. I summoned water near the horse's mouth. The horse started to drink it. Right after, I heard huffing and puffing, like someone is trying to catch their breath from running too long. I turned my head to see a middle-aged man bend over, one hand on his knee and the other hand in his back. He stood up and walked up to me.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

I petted the horse a couple of times before walking away. I sighed as I went back to walking on the road. I saw the tavern and decided to enter it. I'm not getting a drink, sadly. I don't have money on me right now. I am looking for my brother. My brother's friend's sister works at this tavern. She and I are best friends and that is when my brother and her brother became best friends. Both of them are 10 while she and I are 19.

"Hey, Aquarius!"

I turned my head to see who called me. It was Rosie, my best friend. I walked up to the counter that she is behind. I sat down on the stool as I asked her, "Where is my brother?"

"Oh, he is in Max's room. Want me to go get him?"

"No, I'll get him. You continue to work"

She smiled as I got out of the stool and made my way to Max's room to get my brother, Steven. I walked in the back. I see a wooden door with 'MAX' carved into it. I knocked on the door. Nobody answered. I knocked again. Yet again, no one answered. I pushed the door open and see that Max is there but Steven isn't. I looked at Max.

"Where's Steven?" I asked him

"He went home"

"Did he know that I was coming?"

"Once he realized where the sun was, yes."

"Okay. Thank you"

I walked out of his room and out of the back room. I got out of the tavern quickly before some drunk tries to throw a fit towards me since I'm not like him. I walked by some drunks and some prostitutes. I walked halfway and I felt someone grab my arm. I have spun around and punched in the face. I stumbled back a little since I didn't expect to get punched in the face by someone. I held my jaw as I looked down at who punched me. It was one of the rich men in this village. He is short. He is also drunk.

"Piece of scum!" he yelled

"What did I do?"

"You are one of the zodiac children!"

"I didn't choose to be this way," I said calmly.

"Who cares about what you choose"

He went to punch me again but I grabbed his fist and squeezed it a little. I leaned over a little to be face to face with him. He went to slap my face with his other hand but I grabbed his wrist.

"You're drunk. Go home"

I pushed him a little. I turned my back toward him. When I was about to take a step forward, I felt a glass bottle hit the back of my head. It broke once it made contact with my head. I felt liquid slid down my back and making my shirt stick to my back. Some of my hair is wet now. The liquid isn't blood so I'm good. I turned around to see the drunk guy scared. He screamed when I made a water dome around him. My water is strong enough to push him back in the dome if he tries to escape the dome. He is trying right now but he is being pushed back with a lot of force.

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