24: Truth, Lies & A Runaway

Start from the beginning

"Miss Windsor, there has been several concerning phone calls for you." The flight attendant told me right before we landed. 

"Hold all the calls and god forbid do not tell them where we are going, here is a thousand dollars to keep quiet." I said pulling some money out of my purse for her. She quickly took the money. Nodded and walked away with her eyes sparkling.

By the time, I arrived and was in the car yet again, I was well above the normal alcohol intoxication level. I just wanted to black out and forget everything except I could not because I in just a month had a country to run and another bachelor to marry. The bachelor would probably break my heart yet again or be a horrible husband.

My wedding dress was ruined, I spilled chocolate and eight different forms of alcohol on it. Good, maybe then I would never have to wear it again. I should be rejoicing that I am free but Ashton was in on it all along and did nothing to tell me or stop the wedding. The three people that I thought cared for me the most were in on all of it, did they care nothing for my feelings, no.

The driver placed my luggage in the master bedroom before leaving. I stripped out of my dress just throwing in the corner in a jumbled mess before going to the in suite bathroom to take a long, warm bath. I ran the water and stepped in letting the water slowly encompass me. I finished off the bottle of wine that I had brought with me. I began to drift off to sleep that it until the telephone rang. I had to disconnect that thing later so no one would know I am here.

If I could stay here forever and never have anyone find me, then I just might be okay. When I awoke, the bath water was cold and my head hurt like someone had hit me with a baseball bat over and over. I slowly got out of the tub, trying not to move to much but I managed to knock the soap off the ledge, which had me grabbing for my head. 

I wrapped myself in my robe before going to get four aspirin and drinking those with what I thought was water, where as it was vodka that I forgot to put away in my drunkenness last night. I checked my cell phone, which had over a 100-missed calls, 5 from Alex, 1 from Sarah, 10 from my parents, and the other 84, you will never guess who they were from, and well maybe you did guess it, yup, Ashton Fitzroy.

I opened the voicemail and it had a message from Alex, telling him to call me if I want to and that he is most apologetic to quote the lovely $hit. Then, I cannot believe Sarah had the nerve to call, I mean thinking back she was trying to flirt with him back to the beginning, on the tennis court when she got hit with a ball and he got her ice. 

Ashton's messages were a little more original but not by much, he just asked me to please call him that he wants to know where I am and he knows I have a drinking problem when I get angry so he asked if not for his sake, then all of England's sake that I do not drink. Well, hate to tell it to you buddy, I thought, I am going to drink and drink. 

I got a sundress that my mother left here and a large hat and sunglasses before leaving the house. I could not drive and did not plan on driving so I walked into town, which was a ten-minute walk to the nearest bar. I ordered a drink to go and I drank it as I window-shopped. I ended up at the liquor store think that I would need more alcohol for later.

It brought pangs to my heart when I thought of my childhood love, Peter.  I wonder if he still lives around here or even if he is still alive, many children die in farming accidents all the time. I considered looking him up, I knew that I could not stand finding out that he is happily married with children. Every still person I know is in love or a player. Why could I not find a decent guy? Ashton is not a decent guy. 

He is a cocky, arrogant guy who thinks he can get any girl he wants. He will grow old as a bachelor and look back, just to think that he is lonely and should have settled down. I actually feel bad for him. It must be the alcohol or I am getting sentimental. 

I ate dinner in town around eleven pm before going to a local shop and getting a bikini for tomorrow and a new dress. I walked home singing and drinking. I have no memory of what I was singing or drinking or even how I got in my bed. I just know that I made it home and next thing you know I am waking in my bed. No memories that is what I liked, if I drank enough though, they will never go away. 

I woke deciding not to drink until later in the day because my head was pounding twice as hard as yesterday. I got dressed to go to the beach in my backyard even though my head was going to hurt from the brightness, I just threw on my sunglasses and my large hat again. I strolled down near the water and set out my stuff. I wanted to see what the papers had in them today so I ran to town really quick and bought a copy of each paper before running home.

I looked at the first paper, which guessed what was a factor in the breaking up of the wedding? The second and third, wondered about a love interest of mine, named anonymous but I guessed was Ashton. All the rest held all the same or wondered exactly where I am. The papers hinted faraway places like Australia or California. Little did they know that I was right under their noses in the far east of England. 

I threw the papers in the recycling bin before heading back out to my own private beach. We had a small dock that I considered lying on but what if I fell off why I was sleeping, it was dangerous, and I could drown. I was at least thinking a little clearly. Which was better than the drunk mess that I was earlier?

I awoke around four pm, to a shadow over my face. I opened my eyes ready to fight this person but guess who I found, none other than Mr. Fitzroy himself.

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