Chapter ~Twenty Five~

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Storm stood infront the of the Rousseau's bar and took a deep breath before getting in.

'I fell in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time, I really do love him and I would lose it if he didn't forgive me, god know that I didn't mean to hurt him.' Storm thought before entering the bar.

Storm searched with her eyes for her loved one, but she couldn't find him, it was crowded, maybe because it's the weekend? So she went to the bars and asked for him, "ma'am, I don't know who are you talking about, I have over hundred of men looking like the man you described come here"The bartender said,

'No one looks like him' Storm said before asking the next question.

"Okay, goddamn it. He's the Winter Soldier, have you seen him around?"Storm said, and the bartender nodded and pointed out to a man giving them his back at the very last corner of the bar. Storm smiled that she finally found him.

She went there and finally got a glimpse of him, she smiled so hard but then her heart dropped when she got a good view of him.

He looked sad, broken, hurt and so tired and he was drinking a lot. One after another and if anyone rejected him he'd give them the scary Winter Soldier glare.

Storm felt like shit but she decided to go and fix it like her parents told her and because she loves him she didn't want to see him to be hurt more, She took a deep breath and went torward him and sat next to him.

He didn't look who sat next to because he didn't care to look, Storm didn't say a thing but the bartender came to Storm and asks her what to drink,

"I'll have some bourbon"Storm said, James recognizes that voice so he turns to look at the women sitting next to him, it was her. The love of his life who broke his heart.

James wasn't totally drunk because even if he wanted he couldn't because of the high metabolism that he earned after turning into a super soldier.

James keeps his eye on Storm and she turns to look at him and they came up eye to eye.

They just sat there and look at each others eyes, Not glaring just lost and wander in each other eyes.

"Hi"Storm said in a soft voice after along time staring at him, "I never knew I could so much pain, and yet be so in love with the person causing it"James said that and turns his head to look at his drink, Storm took his drink from his hand slowly so he won't get angry and look at him while he's avoiding eye contact. James know from the look of her eye she's back, Storm feelings are back.

"I'm sorry, Buck. I don't know what came up to me and make me do the stupid shit that I did, I won't even try to justify myself because I knew what I was doing and I knew that would hurt you and I still did it and that's really sucks because I would never ever think of hurting you and I won't give myself excuses because I do not deserve your forgiveness by just excusing myself. I was wrong and if you won't forgive me that's okay but I want to clear one thing because I really love you and respect you"Storm said, then James turns to face her, "I totally understand you and your reasons, but I have the right to get mad, jealous and sad because I saw MY girlfriend making out with some random dude. Sorry! What you were saying?"James get mad then calm down.

"I had so much pain in my heart losing the closest people to me, and turning my humanity off made things much easier in every way, I remember doing stupid stuff and I totally regret them but what I regret the most is hurting you, Buck. I'm so sorry, I hurt your feelings when what you have done is helping me even when I didn't care, Buck. When you're hurt I'm hurting as well and the fact that I caused that pain is literally killing me, I didn't mean that. I want to say that that person wasn't me but it was me. And I just want you to know and remember if you ever doubt it. That I will always love you. And I can lose fucking everything but not you, oh god, not you. Please don't doubt my love for you, it's the only thing I'm sure of."A tear escaped Storms eyes quietly, Bucky pulled his to wipe her tear slowly and then lifted her chin to make her look at his crystal blue eyes, "when you lose a loved one, you lose a part of yourself. And you lost a lot so sometimes you need to take a break from caring too much because that's you. You feel too much, you value things, emotions, people and promises. It's not good for you"James said and then realized that he was too soft then he looks foreword, "that's not an excuse for what I did to you"Storm said, "how special you are! I'm giving you excuses and you're not accepting them because you feel wrong!"James admiring her personality, Storm looks away and then play with her drink,

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