Chapter ~four~

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After the Avengers left with Bucky Storm knew that they will do whatever it takes to cure him specially Captain America his best friend from the 40s.

After that night Storm packed her stuff which wasn't alot and put them next to the door so in the morning she'll move out from this house, She didn't know where else to go and as always if she didn't know what to do she call her friend,

"Hey Chris, I really missed you, how are you doing?"Storm talking on the phone, "hello beautiful Storm, the same here and I'm good you?"her friend Chris Argent said on the phone, "not really, so here's the thing.."and Storm told him everything,

"You are over hundred years old tribird and you don't have anywhere to stay? Why don't you use your powers?"Chris chuckled, "shut up you know I hate using my abilities without need!"She rolled her eyes, "okey then I have an great idea!"the man on the phone said, "living with you guys?, I already said no chris and you know why!"she told the older man, "Because you think you'll be a burden right? Storm you're like a family to me and Allison as well I don't understand why you don't get that?"he said, "I get that really but I jus.."the man cut her off and said, "come on Storm where else would you go huh? Just try for a couple of days and then decide okey?, Allison will die"Chris chuckled, "OKEY FINE, but don't tell Allison I want it to be a surprise"she said, "when we will see you?"the man said, "tomorrow at night"the girl said, "okey drive safe and if anything happens call me, good night"chris said, "good night Chris and thank you for everything"she said and hung up.

The blue eyed girl prepared snacks for the road. Then she went to her room and slept while she was hoping that she won't see any nightmares.

Storm Mikaelson was born at the 9th of April 1846, which make her 173 years old, she comes from a long line of the villains in your stories, she's the daughter of a werewolf and a vampire, the granddaughter of an evil witch, they call her the tribird, she's the only one of her kind, she's born from evil fighting everyday to be good, there is no place in the world for someone like her as she always said, but her family is no ordinary family, the original vampires are her family, her father is the original HYBRID so as her mom and before her mom became a hybrid she was an Alpha, until they had been murdered but not like what she said to the soldier, not with a gun but they ripped their heart in front of her, A gun would be much easier. She met Chris Argent when he was 17 years old and he was in his first mission for selling legal guns and they became friends ever since they protected each other from gunshots, she told him everything and he even met her family and they grow up together and she saw him getting married and have a wonderful daughter and she watched her also grow up and became her best friend, the Argent's were her family after her parents died.

The next morning Storm wakes up at 6 a.m and put her bags in the car and drive to Beacon Hills, which in fact was 20 minutes from the Avengers headquarters, as she drives she was overthinking again about the first time she met Bucky,

The time passes and she arrives to Beacon Hills, she knew the way to the Argent's apartment so she didn't need GPS,

Storm arrives to the apartment building and park in the parking garage, she enter the elevator and press the third floor button, and when she reached the floor she walked torward their apartment and knocked the door.

An blue eyed man clearly was around 35 or 40 years old opened the door, "Chris!!"Storm jumped and hugged the man in front of her, "Hi, ohh god it been like forever"Chris said while rubbing his hand on Storm's back, they pulled back and Storm looked around, "where is she?"Storm asked excitedly, "she's in her room, didn't came out since she came from school"He answered and tried to help Storm with her bags, Storm ran like a kid to her best friend room,

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