The semester wrapped up for Cammie and the rest of the students who hadn't graduated. When she returned to the apartment from her last final, she found Savannah lounging on the couch with Jen. They were watching some show on Netflix, scrolling on their phones.

"What's up?" Cammie asked, closing the door behind her and dropping her bag on the table. An easy smile rested on her lips.

Savannah gave Cammie a suspicious glance. "Honestly, I think this is the calmest I've ever seen you after a test." Savannah paused a moment as she thought. "Come to think of it, I think this is also the first time I haven't seen you come home with a book or something in your hands. Do you have a fever?"

With a laugh, Cammie went to the fridge and grabbed three beers, popped them open and handed them out to the other girls. She plopped down on the couch as well, putting her feet up on the coffee table and pulling a long drink from the cool bottle.

"You know, life is a lot less stressful when you don't have the stress of trying to get into law school hanging over you." Everyone laughed. "Or your parents."

"So, law school is officially off the table?" Jen asked, sipping her end of the school year drink.


Savannah smiled, as if she had known this day would come the moment Cammie uttered the word 'lawyer'. "Fucking finally."

"Sorry it took me so long."

"Everything takes you a long time," Jen muttered, sending Savannah into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, but at least I got there."

"I'll drink to that," Jen said, raising her glass. The other two joined.

"To a stress-free summer!" Cammie announced.

"To our last summer before the adult world of full-time jobs, paying rent, and taxes." Savannah added.

"To our last summer with everyone all together," Jen said.

"Then we better enjoy it," Cammie agreed, grinning. She refused to dwell on the idea that she would soon be leaving her life, her friends, her family all behind to cross an ocean and follow a beautiful woman. The same woman who crossed oceans for her.

"Where's Virgo today?" Jen asked.


"We should invite Virgo and the boys over tonight for a little summer vacation party."

"That's a great idea. I'll text them."

Cammie created a group chat with everyone and extended the invitation to "officially celebrate the start of our last summer together." Shea and Levi confirmed immediately, offering to bring drinks. Virgo replied a short time later once she was off work and agreed.

"Well, I guess we better go get some food," Savannah said.

The three girls piled into Cammie's car and raided the grocery store, pulling chips, dip, popcorn, and other snacks off the shelves. Then they ordered pizzas and arrived home shortly after.

While the girls waited around the house for everyone to arrive, Cammie scrolled through her pictures to admire the ones she took with Virgo in her graduation cap and gown. In one photo, Cammie unabashedly kisses Virgo on her cheek. She smiled at the memory and realized that that was the first picture they had ever taken together. After staring at the photo for a moment, Cammie opened Instagram and posted the photos, making sure to tag Virgo. The caption read "It's impossible not to love you."

Whoever didn't know she was gay would certainly know now. The idea made Cammie smile.

Cammie glanced up from her phone to study Savannah and Jen, who were also scrolling mindlessly through their phones. The same warm feeling that infiltrated her stomach when Benoit mentioned Cammie was essentially their sister filled her once again.

An almost inaudible laugh, that was more akin to a breath of air, escaped Cammie's lips as her smile grew wider. Savanah glanced up.


"Nothing, I'm just being really sentimental right now. I'm really happy we're friends."

Savannah smiled too. "Me too. I'm glad your mom forced you into being my friend."

"And I'm glad you kissed me," Jen joked.

"This has been one crazy year for me, that's for sure."

"You're telling me. Remember when you were just so sure you would see Adam?"

Cammie rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"You're the most stubborn person I know."

"Yeah, I know."

"And remember when I hit on you at that bar and you were so sure you weren't gay?" Jen asked, grinning.

Cammie covered her face with her hands but smiled in embarrassment. "Yes I remember."

"I can't wait to tell all of these stories at your wedding," Savannah teased to Cammie's chagrin.

The others arrived shortly after, everyone happy to have a small reprieve from their responsibilities and lose themselves in friendship and food. They chatted while they devoured the pizzas Cammie ordered, talking aimlessly or reminiscing about the year. Mostly, everyone was relieved that summer was finally here.

"When are you guys going back to France?" Shea asked.

"Well, our lease expires in July, so I definitely have to leave in July," Virgo laughed.

Everyone turned their attention to Cammie, who shrugged. "I guess I hadn't thought about it much. I know we have to be there a week before the program starts."

"Do you want to go early?" Levi asked. "You know, see the country a little bit before you have to start school."

"That would be fun, I hadn't really thought about it."

"You should! You guys can go to Paris. So romantic."

Virgo rolled her eyes.

"I guess I should figure it out—soon."

"Yes, please do, so we know how long we have with you," Savannah added.

"Agreed," Jen chimed in.

"Well, let's not worry about us leaving tonight. Instead, let's just enjoy," Cammie said.

"Perfect, because since we're all such good friends now, I figured we can play this," Levi said, producing a squared box from his bag. "It's called 'Who's Most Likely To.' The rules are really simple. Basically we all have a colored card associated with us and one person will read a card that says something like 'who's mostly like to cancel plans.' Then we all secretly vote on who we think would be the most likely to do that thing."

"So, is there a winner?" Savannah asked.

Levi shrugged. "No, but we can make it a drinking game."

"I like the sound of that. Let's do it."

Everyone grabbed a card and Levi began. "Okay, first card: Is a total flirt."

Everyone grinned and glanced around the room. Soon, everyone had their cards laid down. Virgo had the most votes, followed closely by Jen.

"Fuck you guys," Virgo said laughing and snatching the card from the center. She also took a drink.

Shea grabbed the next card. "Is a little bitch."

Everyone snickered as they placed their cards. Cammie won by a landslide.

"Wow," Cammie complained, drawing out the O. "I hate you guys."

Savannah shrugged. "Stop being a little bitch then."

Laughter filled the room as Jen grabbed the next card.

"Would survive in the woods with just a hatchet." Jen won that one herself and smirked.

"Makes terrible first impressions," Virgo read and then immediately gave Cammie a pointed stare as she laid down her card. Everyone erupted into laughter.

"Yeah, can we please all talk about the fact that Cammie literally ran way from her Soulmate," Shea said over the laughter. "I feel like we never acknowledged this as a group."

"Whatever you guys, just give me the card." Cammie's face was red with laughter and embarrassment. "I'm pretty sure Virgo's forgiven me, right?" Virgo shrugged noncommittally, and Cammie reiterated her "right?"

"Of course I have," Virgo joked and leaned over to kiss Cammie's cheek. Cammie finally seemed open to allowing affections between herself and Virgo in the presence of others and ended up with her hand on her thigh or leaning over to peck her cheek with a kiss.

The game continued on as everyone laughed at each other when the cards were given to them. Curses where said, middle fingers thrown, but ultimately, everyone enjoyed this new game that brought them all even closer together. Shea won "Refuses to ask for directions," "Sings but shouldn't," and "Has the best style." Levi won "Always gets their way," "Will make someone else do it," and "Spends all day interpreting a text." Savannah won "Can't help but speak without thinking," "Will do anything for $5," and "Wake up and have no idea where they are."

Virgo loved every minute of this night, from playing games with her friends and lover, to the quick banter that easily flowed in the group, to knowing Cammie wanted her, despite who was present. She loved being able to express her affections in front of her friends and especially in front of her family. She was happy to not hide her love any longer. Cammie was hers.

"We should go to the beach," Virgo said suddenly, feeling the call of the ocean. A restlessness stirred in her bones, the itch to leave the apartment and be out in the world overcoming her.

The fond memories Cammie shared with Virgo at the beach caused her to immediately agree. They illegally piled into Cammie's five-seat car with Savannah, the smallest of the group, sitting on Jen's lap in the back seat.

"Don't get pulled over, Cammie," Savannah warned.

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