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Chapter 8

I was sitting in the window seal in Mustang's office. One knee propped up with my elbow on it, my hand cupping my cheek as I looked outside watching the people walk around like little ants scurrying to their next job. These people were advanced but not like how my world was. It's almost like there was a fork in the road and my world went down the science road and this on went down the alchemy... It's possible that's what happened. That the worlds were parallel but spilt off in different directions.... I got lost in my thoughts as Ed and Al explained how they "found" me. But I wonder... Truth could of dropped me off anywhere in this world.... So why did he drop me where Ed and Al were? He had something planed. I know the bastard did, however, I didn't know what the plan was... He marked me but why? Was he branding me as his like men do to their cattle? Or was it more of his way of claiming me as his like a lover would with their partner? I honestly hope that wasn't what it was....

I let out a soft sigh putting my free hand on my chest. What does it mean... I let my thoughts go and my hand fall down onto my lap. A set of eyes watched me as I sat there. My mind going in circles hoping to find an answer while my posture was relaxed and my expression bored not revealing the chaos in my mind.

Trying to distract my thoughts I looked around the office. Ed and Mustang were talking at his desk. Riza was standing near Mustang listening to their conversation. The other people were working.... Or at lest pretending to. Al was sitting on one of the couches just watching his brother. And then there was Armstrong. Standing near the door as he was watching me, as if I was about to jump up and try to kill everyone or jump out the window.

I snorted and stood up watching as Armstrong flinched. I knew he was expecting me to do something... I stretched my arms above my head then walked over to Al. "So," I said leaning back on the couch and propping my feet up on the coffee table between the couches, "How did Ed end up being the story teller and you sitting on the side lines? Is this how things always are?" I looked up at his helmet tilting my head towards him so he knew I was looking at him.... Cause, ya know.... Hood covers down to my nose, can't actually see if I was looking at him....

"O-oh. Well Mustang started to ask him questions so I decided to sit this one out." He said rubbing the back of his helmet. I nodded and relaxed on the couch.

"Hey sorry for kinda hurting your helmet. Are you okay? Did Ed fix it?" I asked reaching up to grab his helmet. "N-not yet!" He said nervously as I took the helmet. Hmmm... So his voice comes from the suit not the helmet. Interesting... I turned his helmet around till I found where the hole was.

"Don't worry Al. It's an easy fix." I smiled softly and put my hand in the helmet pushing the metal back out. Fixing the small dent and smoothing the metal out the got pushed inside. "I don't have the equipment to fully fix it but I believe Ed could do it with alchemy... Hell maybe even you could. All the metal is there it just has to be mended back together." I said to Al offering him back his helmet.

"Thank you..." he said quietly taking his helmet. Just noticing the room grew quiet I looked over at Ed who was looking at me. "Can I help you?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Or are you just staring at me for no reason?" I asked. Ed walked over and clapped his hands causing a blue static to appear and he put his hands on Al's helmet mending the metal back together. "How did you know how to fix his helmet?" Ed asked.

"It's easy. I was taught black smithing as part of training among other things. I was the best black smith they had in years..." I said drifting off into thought. Memories of the training was there but there was no face to the people in the memories... And even their bodies were blurry, along with having no voice. The words just appeared in my head... I guess that's Truth's handiwork...

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