Waking up

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Chapter 3

A soft breeze played with a strand of my midnight black hair on my pale cheek. A soft groan escaped my lips as my senses slowly came back to me. First it was touch. I could feel my hood pulled over my head as I lay on my stomach on the ground with what felt like grass caressing my skin. I could feel the heat of the sun high in the sky beating on my bare skin of my face. I could feel the coolness of the shadows my hood made on my face where the sun light couldn't get too. Small aches and pains weren't felt surprisingly after all the beating and cuts I had gotten from the Templars and the gate.

Next was smell. I could smell the fresh clean crisp air on the breeze. The smell of freshly cut grass and left over morning dew. I could smell an apple pie cooking in an oven, the sweet aroma teasing my nose and making my dry mouth water at the smell. The smell of oil came next. It wasn't quite a pleasant smell but it was familiar... I didn't know were from but only blurry images of a garage and the smell of oil would come to mind. I wonder why...

Sight was what came next as I slowly cracked my dry eyes open. They instantly started to water at the sudden brightness as my eyes tried to focus on my surroundings. As my bright blue eyes adjusted a slight headache formed from the brightness of the outdoors. I stayed still breathing slowly looking around. I was in a yard it looked like. Bright green grass that was well taken care of surrounded me leading up to a medium sized house with a sign on it that my mind couldn't read at the moment in time. A small fence ran around the yard with a dirt road coming up to the fence gate and winding away in the green hills of the landscape. The sun shone brightly from above as I slowly lifted myself up from the hard ground to check myself over. Too my surprise I was spotless. Not I single bruise or cut covered my body and my white with blue accented robes were brand new looking. I checked and saw that my hidden blade that I needed to oil was sliding out perfectly and silently when I flicked my wrist out. One word came to my mind.


It was a terrifying creature that much was for sure but it was kind enough to put me back to full health and repairing my weapons and robes. It gave me a new start at full health. Now I had nothing to do but to play it's game and live this life.

I checked my self over and found all twenty sleek black throwing knives and my twin black swords that curved to a sharp point at the end with silver dragons for the handle with the blade coming out of the dragons mouth like fire. The only difference between the twin blades was the dragons' eyes. One had deep red rubies for eyes and the other bright emerald green eyes. I pulled them out and swung them for a moment. They both still felt perfect in my hands. I sheathed them again and looked around.

I looked up at the house to hear voices fighting and the sound of metal clanking around. I moved silently to the tree close to the house to my left and hid out of sight against it. The sounds of fighting and metal clanking became louder heading to the front of the house towards where I was. The door knob twisted and I was already up in the tree hiding in the branches. A short boy with golden blond hair braided in the back and golden bangs in his face came storming out of the house. He had on black boots with black pants and a black shirt on with a long red jacket over it all. A strange symbol was on the back of his jacket. Information flooded my mind in seconds telling me it was the symbol of alchemy. This young boy was an alchemist. A sliver chain hung out on his hip and caught my eye. I stayed silent with my golden double edged dagger with an ocean blue sapphire on the end with an ebony wood handle with golden designs etched into it positioned in my hand. I watched as a wrench flew out and hit the boy in the back of the head.

My eyes widen as the short boy fell, more like crumpled, to the ground. The sound of metal appeared again as a large suit of armor ran out of the house creating an empty sound as it ran. "BROTHER!" the armor with glowing empty eyes yelled running to the boy on the ground. The same alchemy symbol was on the armors shoulder. The blue silver armor stood by the boy with a long white piece of what looked like feather or hair flowed back behind it to its large shoulders and a long brown cloth covering the crotch area. "Brother! Are you all right?" spoke the armor in a young child like boys voice. I was shocked. To see a huge intimidating suit of armor with a small child's voice coming out of it doesn't happen every day.

"Yeah I'm fine, Al. My head just hurts like hell now." Grumped the short boy as he stood up. He rubbed his head as a pissed off blond girl with her long hair pulled back with her bangs left down stood in the door way. Another wrench was in her hand read to throw at the boy. The suit of armor helped up its brother, the short golden blond boy, from the ground.

"That's what you get Ed for wrecking my hard work! Do you know how long it took me to make that arm of yours?!?!" screeched the girl as she threw the wrench in her hand at the boy who she called Ed. He ducked and ran away from the pissed off blond with the suit of armor running after them.

"Winry! Don't blame Brother! It's not his fault his arm always breaks!" the worried voice called from the armor as it ran after the two blonds. A short elderly woman stood in the door way the girl called Winry had come out of. She took a puff from her pipe watching the children and armor chase each other around in her yard.

The boy ran right under the tree I was in and tripped on a root sticking up from the ground when he looked back at the angry girl chasing him. I fought the urge to grab the boy before he fell and stayed in the tree holding onto the branch. The girl came and tripped also and hit the tree shaking it some. She landed on the boy and my grip on my blade slipped as my eyes widened for it was falling straight at the girl. "no!" I gasped quietly as the armor screamed out the girls name and then a wall of earth stopped my blade before it hit the girl. My dagger glistened in the sunlight as I hid in the shadows of the tree.

The boy with golden hair helped the girl up and looked at the blade in surprise and shock. He grabbed it and pulled it out as a low threatening growl from deep in my chest escaped my lips when he touched what was mine. He looked up into the tree right at where I was hidden. Oops...

"Al, did you hear that?" the boy asked dropping the dragger to the ground. I growled again at the poor care he took of my dagger. "Yeah I did brother..." the armor said looking up at the tree. I watched the golden hair boy start to climb the tree. The girl stood back near the porch with the elderly woman standing on the porch watching the boy and armor. The armor helped its brother up and I stayed still thinking of what I should do when a metal hand grabbed onto my black leather boot around my ankle.

Oh no...


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