"I'm ok." Hoseok said flashing a smile.

Yoongi's POV:

When the two got to the doctor's office they saw there was a specific section for soulmates. They walked into the waiting room Yoongi saw some familiar faces. Hoseok went into the line while Yoongi walked over to the three.

"So, I see you took up my offer?" Yoongi asked

Jimin smiled and nodded. "It took everything in our power to get this one in here." He said pointing to a pissed off, pouty Taehyung.

"What're you doing here?" Jungkook asked

"I'm with Hoseok. We...uh..."

"Do you think you two are soulmates!?" Jungkook asked excitedly


"Thats so fucking funny oh my God-" Jungkook said bursting into laughter.

"Wait, why??"

"I cant tell you. But if you two are soulmates you'll find out." Jungkook said wiping a tear from his eyes.

"Ok then?"

Hoseok came over and sat next to Yoongi.

"The receptionist said it would take about 5-10 minutes." He said

"Ok then."

"What're you guys doing here?" Hoseok asked the three

"Yoongi hyung gave me the idea to bring these two here and try to see if we're soulmates."

"All three of you?"

Jungkook and Jimin nodded. Taehyung was still pissed off.

"Park, Kim and Jeon?"

The three stood up and walked to the doctor's room, leaving Yoongi and Hoseok alone.

"That would be so cute! I've known Jungkook has had a crush on Tae for the longest time. And Tae liked Jimin. A weird love triangle." Hoseok said with a smile.

"Have you known them for a long time?" Yoongi asked.

"I've known Jungkook since elementary school, but Jimin and Taehyung went to a different school. So I only met them last year." Hoseok answered. "So somehow Jungkook a new Taehyung existed and grew a crush on him. That lasted until now."

"That's honestly so cute, but sad Tae doesn't share feelings."

"Yeah. He's had a thing for Jimin. And since 6th grade."

"Jung And Min?" The doctor called.

The two followed the doctor into the room.

They sat on the bed and waited for the doctor to speak.

Jung hoseok and Min Yoongi. Correct?"

The two nodded.

"What do you two need today?"

Yoongi looked at Hoseok  to speak.

"We think we're soulmates."

"All right. And why is that out of the ordinary?"

"Because I don't have a shape and he says his grey. Except, now that I can see it, It's yellow."
Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"May. I see your wrists?"

The two showed her their wrists and she put on some glasses. "Oh... I see. This is strange."

The doctor let go of their hands and type something into the computer.

"Why do you two assume you're soulmates?"

"Because I could hear his music in class. Also, he could smell the same thing. I could while I was at home."

"What was the smell?"

Hoseok didnt answer.

"Alcohol." Yoongi mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Alcohol." Yoongi repeated slightly louder

"My-my parents drink."

The doctor looked at Hoseok with concern and typed in her computer.

"Okay, you said you could hear his music-" She motion to Hoseok, "-and you smelled alcohol."

The two nodded.

"Do you two live within a mile from each other?"

The two nodded again.

"This is a bit rare, but not impossible. Most soulmates only have 1 shared sense between the two of them plus the sense of pain. You two have two, but that's normal. It's rare. You should feel lucky. What's unusual is your bindings."

"Bindings?" Hoseok asked.

"Outsiders call them 'shapes'. The correct term is 'bindings.'" The doctor informed.

Yoongi and Hoseok nodded in order to show they understood.

"With these glasses on, Yoongi, your binding is grey. Hoseok, you don't have one, just like you said. But, Hoseok, you said Yoongi's was yellow, correct?"

Hoseok nodded.

"Has it ever glowed?"


"Okay." The doctor typed in the computer.

"Would you mind giving us a blood sample, Hoseok?"

"No, I wouldn't mind."

The blood sample process was quick and the two were left alone in the room while the doctor ran the blood test.

You doing alright, Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. Just a little bit uncomfortable. I don't really like the doctors that much." Yoongi said quietly.

"Want me to continue doing the talking?"

Yoongi nodded and the two waited in silence the rest of the time.

The doctor came back sooner than the two thought she would and put on her glasses again.

"May I see your wrists one more time?"

The two showed her their wrists and she nodded.

"It seems as though Hoseok has a specific connection to you, where he can see your yellow shape. However, both ways I used the glasses Hoseok doesn't have a shape so I'm not entirely sure. We've never had a case like this before. What I can tell you two is that all the tests have shown you two are soulmates. Except, you two are not compatible soulmates. So, you guys should come back here weekly. To check in on your compatibility and your senses. How does that sound?" The doctor informed

"We can do that." Hoseok said with a nod. 

"Wonderful. You two are free to go then."

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