Chapter 1

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My head ached as I stirred awake in darkness. Faint light was seeping in through a door that was left slightly ajar. I didn't recognize the place. Last thing I remembered was walking from my city apartment towards a nearby restaurant for a blind date. Crap. Panic started settling in. Did I make it to the date? Did he drug me and date rape me? Where was I? I sat up, and immediately my head swam, darkness clouded my vision. I grabbed my head with one hand.

"Easy," someone said with a husky voice behind me.

My head turned instinctively towards the source of the sound. My vision cleared and my eyes focused on a man sitting on a recliner with a book in hand. The book had a small reading light lighting up the pages.

"How much do you remember?" He asked, turning a lamp on. The light hit my eyes and I tsked. A flashback of a bright burst of light hit me. He continued, "You hurt your head. I'm Rayden."

"Like in Mortal Kombat?" I asked. For some reason that was more important than what was going on... maybe I had severe brain damage.

"Yes, Eveline" he said, hiding a chuckle. He knew my name. Then he mumbled something that could've been "every time."

"Where am I?" I asked, having a better look around. It seemed like some sort of a private hospital room. Large. In addition to the door that let in light, there was another door which was firmly closed. Some hospital equipment and cupboards lay about, but other than that, it was just a large space with a double bed and a recliner.

"A private hospital room," Rayden said, confirming my suspicions, "How much do you remember of last night?"

I thought for a moment before replying, "Not much. I was walking to my blind date. I remember a flash of light." Just then I felt the overwhelming urge to pee. "I need the toilet," I said a little too eagerly as I swung my legs off the bed and tried to stand up.

"Woah, wait a second," Rayden called out. But it was too late and I fell backwards onto the bed. He smiled warmly as he came around the bed and grabbed my drip. I only then realized I was hooked on a drip. "I'll help you," he said and picked me up like it was nothing. He was huge. Massive. I would've felt intimidated, but there was something kind about his blue eyes. I reckoned he was around my age, 22, maybe a few years older.

"I can walk," I said with creeping embarrassment.

"You're like a feather. The doctor said you'll need help anyway."

He walked me to the bathroom, which was behind the cracked door. The bright light in there hurt my eyes. He set me down on the toilet bowl, and stayed crouched in front of me.

"I know how to do this thing," I said pointing to the door.

"You know how to pee? Impressive. Regardless, I'm staying. If you fall and hit your head again, it's very bad," Rayden said, as if talking to a child.

"I don't care," I said but my bladder betrayed me and started relieving itself. I panicked slightly but realized my pink hospital gown was luckily high enough to not get soiled. Wait, I'm not wearing underwear!?

Rayden snorted a laugh but then sheepishly apologized.

I flashed red, and with my embarrassment didn't know what to do. So, naturally, I smacked his cheek. Both of our eyes blew wide open with shock.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that," I babbled out.

The man ran his hand over his cheek and up through his thick dirty blonde hair. I realized he was quite handsome, now that I had a better look at his face.

"Wow," he said, "How dare you smack me?"

I shook slightly as I stammered, "I really am so sorry."

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