Chapter 1 - Obama & Buttsex

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Meandering through the plethora of barrels and leaping over the wide range of large pockets on the deck floor opening into the cerulean, glassy water, Obama exhaled and studied his surroundings. Behind him, the Senior member of the Town Council, Hollywood Actor, was occupied with giving Mayor Putin of Putin City and his husband, Golf Man, a tour around Buttsex. As Obama observed the cluster of fruitful, wealthy men, he suddenly felt deficient (and a little horny). 

All his life he had been cemented in Buttsex, never leaving, never exploring the outside world. Just stuck. Stuck in a dead-end job as an American in a largely fish-based community; nobody taking him seriously. However, as he stood there, he concluded it was time. Time for him to depart from his small, fishing hometown and scamper into a far more momentous lifestyle...

Swiftly, he rushed up to the group and vibrated, the group repeating the same vibration back. With a warm smile, Obama directed his gaze to Putin and vibrated once more. Putin returned the kind gesture, signalling the others to break away from the conversation.

"Hello, can I help you with something?" Putin inquired politely. 

"Yes, indeed. I am the Obama. We stop Buttsex so I go to Putin please," Obama demanded.

"lol k," Putin replied as he vibrated once more and pecked Obama on the nose. 
"Mwah, let's go," Putin mouthed with a wink and demonic smirk before guiding his brooding, fire-resembling eyes to Hollywood Actor and Golf Man.

"That should be it for our tour, Mr Actor. My husband, Golfie, and I shall head out now but we will be returning home with Mr Obama here," Putin explained as he briskly grabbed Obama's head and caressed it gently up-and-down against his cheek.

"Stop! You have violated the law," a Skyrim Guard bellowed abruptly from a pocket of the deck floor in between the two groups. Hastily, the Guard zoomed up through the pocket, water flailing through the air around him, splashing into everyone but Obama because Obama just simply does not get wet (unless he's looking at Porn). Nimbly, the Guard spun like a Ballerina before landing with a straight posture and right hand pointing to the sky, seemingly saluting an ex-dictator from 1940s Germany. 

"Oh nobeeb!" Shrieked Obama as he leapt into Putin's tentacles. Without warning, the Skyrim Guard surged through Hollywood and Golf Man before halting in front of Fortnut Sailor Moon Lizzo. 

"Will you watch Hentai Haven with me?" The Skyrim Guard proposed. Lizzo, exuberant and upbeat, agreed before whip nae naeing and accidentally striking the Skyrim Guard on the nose, rendering him unconscious. 

Everyone cheered as Lizzo chucked her new Hentai Haven Fiance into a nearby building then invited them to the wedding tomorrow in Putin City. 

A/N (Author's note): Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Also, stup flaming ok! btw u suk from no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona slit muh ristsz! fangz 2 raven 4 hlpein! -enoby 

A/N (Author's note): Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Also, stup flaming ok! btw u suk from no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona slit muh ristsz! fangz 2 raven 4 hlpein! -enoby 

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Loving Neutron - Obama x Jimmy Neutron (Part 1 of Series)Where stories live. Discover now