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19th April, 2019.

Dear Diary,

The last couple of days were bad... terrible for me. It was as if the universe was conspiring against me. Everything that could go bad, went terrible. And, I could do nothing—absolutely nothing about it. Sometimes I feel if my past karma is catching up on me. Or maybe I deserve what I was subjected to. But then, I have hurt no one—not that I remember, to be honest. Wonder what did I do to deserve this shit? With the wedding season in full swing, I had a hard time trying to balance work with social functions. You know how much I hate attending them. It's my worst nightmare come true—getting dressed up with all the jewellery and pasting a plastic, fake smile on my face for those stupid, vicious gossiping ladies who spare no words in ripping you apart from head to toe with their vile comments. And you just can't back answer or those idiots will add some mirch-masala and spin a tale to your Mama who will readily believe their lies. Hypocrites—all of them. And I detest them will all my heart and soul. 

Well, under the pretext of meeting new people, I'm forced to attend them. Mama was like, "You HAVE to attend this function, Santosh. Look, all our relatives are attending. What would they think of you if you don't come? And there are so many eligible men and maybe you get to meet someone you like.What's the harm in only conversing with people, Santosh? Look, I know you are against the idea of remarriage, but... I haven't given up hope as yet. You can even keep an eye out for some prospective grooms for your little sister- Sneha as well."

And, with a shrug, I was rolling my eyes so hard. All I wanted to do was, run away from this dinner. Damn those dinners. I don't care for society! That fucking society wasn't there when my in-laws assaulted and tortured me. All those ladies loved showing fake sympathy, but none came forward to stand by me.

I realised I got off track again. Lol. It's nice talking to you. I can be myself here. With no inhibitions—just you and me. And my thoughts to give me company. You know someone once said, "Loneliness is a bitch." But I find loneliness strangely calming. Maybe I'm weird. But I'm trying to be myself at last. Finally trying to get back to normal.

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