Start from the beginning

"I tried but he doesn't want to talk to me , like never ever "

"Jason , I think this is their matter and they should solve it their way " ,
Mom tells dad

"But can't you see how it turned out so far ?"

"They used to fight back in the day
but at that time , they also realised how at the end of the day ,
what matters the most is their bond over all these petty issues "

I bit my lip involuntarily hearing that .

"So let's talk about your grades "

"Please don't"

"Bella this is your finals we are talking about and I just had a talk with your Maths professor "

"You didn't"

"I did .Now you have 2 options .
1 Shift to Regular Maths i.e Pre Calculus from your AP Level or
2 Next semester , you should pass this AP exam with flying colours , you decide"

"I so wanna say the first one , but I'll be going with the 2nd one"

"Listen Bella , don't let exams freak you out . All you gotta do is gain the knowledge and during the exam , share it .
I mean , your mom used to say that to me sometimes , especially when I was failing the classes pretty badly and it worked .
Somehow I managed to pass my finals with the help of an amazing tutor "

"He cheated" Mom smirks

"I used to , but after I got you , I never did"

"Sweetie , you know what's right and wrong .
Even though grades won't matter in the long run , but you need it to get into a good university .
Yes , your parents can afford it but won't it be nice for you , if you could do it with your own merit "

"I understand Mom"

"Control your emotions and don't let them come between you and your dreams "

"It's well said that feel you shit , understand your shit but don't lose your shit " Dad adds

I nod .

"And do you want me to knock some sense into Royal ?"

I shake my head .

"We'll get through this " I say , hope igniting inside me

"That's the spirt , now come here " Mom says and I run into her arms

"I'm sorry that I was rude to you earlier "

"It's okay .
Remember , just because you are sad , don't let your loved ones feel the same because all they are trying to do is make you feel alright again "

I nod .

" Listen , since we are here , why don't you show us around ?"


"Also , I want to meet Royal"

"Please don't talk about me "

"As if that's going to stop me " she says

Then dad's phone rings and he says ,
"I gotta take this "

Dad starts talking over the phone at a distance and mom asks me ,
"Now what happened ?"

"He was kind of angry at me so
I decided to scare him by pretending that I was drowning.
It made things right just for a moment and then it backfired .
Now he doesn't even wanna be in the same place where I am "

"Don't cry "

"Fudge I didn't even realise I was "

"Bella , even if it doesn't look that serious , it is . People have actually died because they couldn't swim to save themselves .
And sorry to say , but Roy has a right to get angry at you for that"

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