Chapter 10 ~ Explaination

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Y/n happily greeted the team at the doorway. She was still in bed, with bandages here and there. She had a bandaid for where the nurse gave her shots.

Oblivious to y/n, the males where all holding back their urge to cry and hold y/n in their arms.

Nobody should ever experience abuse.


"H-Hey y/n-chan." Kuroo spoke up. "How are you feeling?" She pondered this question for a moment.

"I'm fine!" She said, holding up a thumbs up. "But I don't get why I'm here...I don't really feel hurt or anything."

She then flipped off her blankets covering her, then hopped off the hospital bed. She then waddled over to her big brother.

"I wanna go back to camp nii-Chan." Y/n said with a pout in her smol face. The boys shared glances at each other, talking with their eyes. Then looked back to y/n.

"K, lets go then!" Kuroo said with a smile. He picked y/n up, checked out, then headed for camp.

-/- Time skip -/-

Y/n was unconscious for 8 hours, from the medicine.  Kuroo and the team waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. The hospital made them go home due to reasons. The first time they came home, everyone was asking all types of questions. But they couldn't answer any of them because they did t know themselves. But now, they are in for one hell of a press conference.

The door to the gym opened, with Nekoma and y/n walking inside. Everyone immediately swarmed around y/n.

"OmG r U oK?!?!?" Voices spoke

"Y-Yea, but I saw no need for medical attention."
Y/n stated bluntly.

"Ahem." Coach Nekomada cleared his throat. "I think it's time for y/n to go to sleep, she has had an eventful day." He walked y/n out of the gym, and toward the sleeping quarters. Coach Nekomada gave Kuroo a nod, then left.

"K, Kuroo, time to explain." Bokuto said, crossing his arms. Kuroo took a deep breath.

"Long story short, y/n has a first degree disorder called CIP, which means she can't feel pain whatsoever, but she was why born with it. The doctors said that the only way she could have gotten the disorder other then birth was-   

Kenma cut Kuroo off then said;

"If she was exposed to constant physical violence or abuse. Since y/n was adopted, there is a good chance that her parents before abused her." Kenma finished.  Nobody knew what to say.

"Yes, and CIP is very bad, pain is essential to human existence and people with CIP go as far as self harm or worse to experience it. So y/n absolutely can't know about her condition or things could turn for the worse." Yaku added on.

"Wait, back up, y/n was abused???????!!?!" Bokuto asked. The Nekoma team nodded their heads. Bokuto put his hand to his chin, then...lightbulb!

"I have an idea!!!" Bokuto screams.

'Oh no.' Everyone thought.

"We should make camp super duper fun for y/n, and she'll feel better! I'm pretty sure she is kinda sad from being in the hospital." Bokuto said with a hand on his hip and his index finger to the sky.

But in reality y/n wasn't bothered at all. She just thought that she was fine and didn't need it.

"Well, we could try that out...the idea isn't half bad..." Yamamoto barges in.

"Then it's settled, we're going to make y/n feel happier then she has ever been!" Lev cheers, fisting the air. "After all...what could go wrong?"

Everything. Everything could go wrong.



Kitten-senpai here.

I am so tired from life, therefore I am giving you this short ass chapter. 

Bear with me folks.

Anyways I am sadly taking time off from my writing due to moving reasons. Yup, ya herd me. I'm JuMpInG tOwNs pEePs. So ima take a few days off to move into mah new house. (Basicly I'm just skipping a posting day aka Friday.)

I'll be back on March 13th my dudes, just in time for Friday the thirteenth (oOoO sPoOkAy) and next times posting schedule.

Welp ima head out.

Buyyy luv u all!!!

Kitten-senpai, OuT!

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