Beach day continued!!

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~~~~Author-Sans POV~~~~~

"Stop yelling so loud!" Coach Nekomada yelled from the front seat.

The team felt a eerie cold shiver up their spines. Coach could be very scary sometimes. He turned his head back to the road.

"Huzzah. . ." The team whispered very quietly.

——Time skip brought to u by sand——

The time the team plus y/n arrived at the beach, it was high tide. There were people surfing the waves, and people boogie boarding on the shore. People who weren't in the water where relaxing and playing beach activities.

Since y/n had never been on a beach before, she was curious. She waddled over to the shore, her feet slowly getting wet from the dying-out waves.

"Y/n, time for sunscreen." Lev yelled.

Y/n's instincts kicked in and immediately ran down the beach away from the devilish cream. Nothing before had scared her more.

"Y/n! Get back here young lady!" Yaku shouted across the beach.

She obviously didn't listen. She just kept running and dragging her feet in the pearl white sand.

Kuroo quickly put down his stuff and ran after y/n. It only took him a few seconds to catch up with her.

"Fetus, you can't just run off like that!" Kuroo said with a smirk, picking y/n up and placing her in a comfy position in his arms, supporting her with his hands.

He jogged over back to the group.

——another time skip——

It was around noon, and time for lunch. The team wanted to get some Burger King.

"Hey I'm hungryyyyyy." Lev whined yaku looked at him, irritated.

"Hey how about Burger King!" Yamomoto chirped.

"Isn't that far away from here?" Kenma wondered. That sparked an idea in the people who were in operation OTP.

"Yep, and it's too far for lil y/n to walk." Yamomoto slyly pointed out with a smirk. "So two peeps should watch over y/n while we get food."

"Not it!" Everyone yelled together, with the exeption of Kuroo and Kenma. They were usually informed when this happend beforehand, but they didn't know.

Without lagging a second, the team rushed out of the beach, leaving y/n, Kuroo, and Kenma in the dust. They gave a glance at each other, but turned away.

Y/n sat between them, with her black and white swim suit against the umbrella pole. She noticed that they both had a type of saddened expression.

They wanted to talk with each other. But they didn't know how.

Of course, y/n didn't notice. She was 5. They looked fine before the team left, so she assumed it was her. And started to cry.

Y/n had small clear tears steaming down her petite face. She then started wailing.

The two teens whipped their heads around to find her legs curled into her stomach, with her face buried in them. Kuroo then reaches over to y/n, and cuddled her up in a warm embrace.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Kenma asks, scooting over to Y/n.

"Y-Yo-You g-guys looked **sniff** s-sad and-and its m-my fau-ualt." Y/n wailed.

They turned their heads to look at each other, with great pity in their eyes.

"Listen, y/n," Kenma started.

"It wasn't your fault." Kuroo said

"It's was mine."

They both stared at each other, surprised that they both said the same thing at the same time.

"But-" Kenma was interrupted.

"I overreacted and I already knew that you disliked cleaning up." Kuroo said in a soft tone. Kenma averted his gaze to the blanket beneath them.

"Well, I was angry that day because my parents grounded me from electronics so school was the only way I could play. . ." Kenma trailed off, fiddling with the blue fabric.

Kuroo smirked at this. It wasn't the first time this happened. He brought his arms around Kenma, with y/n still in his lap. Then they were in a hug pile.

"Love you Kenma."

"I love you too, Kuroo."

Ya I forgot to mention. They were dating.

Alone? || Haikyuu!! x child readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ