Chapter 1 ~ Smile

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~~~~~~~~Reader-Chan's POV~~~~~~~~

A plate fell.
I almost instantly sat up, widening my e/c eyes. Then, another plate fell. After the second plate, I hopped out of my blanket, and grabbed my chore bucket from the side of my doorway and headed down.

I quietly tip toed down each staircase, without making a sound. As I came to the kitchen, I saw my birth-givers fighting again.

I stood by the door way staring at them, requesting permission to enter the room.

"The hell you waiting for runt?" My 'father' shouts at me. "Go on then, PICK IT UP!"
He chucks a plate at the old wooden door where I'm standing. I flinch at the sudden commotion, and I quickly crouch down, with my h/c hair skimming the filthy floor.  I use my fingers, wrapped up in bandages, picking up the plate shards and placing them in a container.

My two birth-givers start to bicker again. With spit flying everywhere and loud screams.

'Why don't they just break up?' I think to myself while moving on the the next plate.

~~~~~~Narrator~san's POV~~~~~~~~~

Never once had y/n's parents been different to her. When y/n was a baby, if she cried or made a accident, she was harshly scolded.  She was either punished with no food and water, or being locked up in a room.
By the time y/n was 3, they started kicking and punching. Pretty much any type of physical abuse rather then limiting her privileges. They found out that this horrible, disgusting technique was the most 'productive'.

Y/n's parents have always been like this to her, but before she came along, they we actually good people. (I know hard to believe) they both attended a top university in japan, but due to them meeting each other and hooking up, they got kicked out. The university was extremely strict with their rules. They couldn't go out and mingle(if u know wut I mean) and do as they please, there were limitations. Like, for example:

Top 5 Rules:

1. You may not leave college ground without permission
2. You may not defy your proffers
3. You may not hook up with other students during your time at university
4. You may not have alcohol, beer, wine, vodka ect.
5. You my not be pregnant(dudes that might not count as a sentence but bear with meh here)

Guess which boxes they check of.
*cough* al-*cough* l of the-*cough* -m*

They're not big enough people to admit that they made a mistake, so they blame it all on poor y/n.

"Oi! Pick up the pace you bitch!" My 'mother' screams at me while advancing.

"S-Sorry" Y/n whimpers, picking up the material.

"Who said you could talk!?" Her 'father' screamed. He walked over to where Y/n was, dragging his feet on the floor tile, then propelled his foot to her stomach while yanking on her h/c hair. She started to cough up spit, then stomach acids. The coughing seemed to never end.

"And when you're at it clean your mess up." He grumbled, holding on to her shirt collar. He then tossed her to the back of the wall, then fell to the cold floor. Y/n winced in pain. She ignored the the scrapes and scars, and started on my work. My parents didn't even bother to leave the room.

After she was done with the plates, spit up, and her beating, Y/n headed to her room- well more or less. It's a small space in the attic, with a small carpet and lamp, next to a window.  Where Y/n got a full view of the sky.

—Y/n POV—

I sighed as I started to sit down. I placed my elbow on the windowsill and my hand supporting my head. The screams and curses of my parents echoed throughout the house, especially the attic. With the hollow ceiling and the spacious walls, it's to be expected.

I gaze up at the purple-black sky, wanting to travel there. Just once. Even if it were for five minutes. My mouth opens, and I start to yawn.

"Will this nightmare ever end?" I asked my self " I just want to be free to"

I jumped at the sudden sound of pounding at the door.

"What in the heck was that!?" I half screamed/asked myself, currently on my tush. I quickly sat up and peered out the arch-type window.  Down on the drive way, were parked 4 black and white vehicles. There were 7- no, 8 men in black an blue informs with a golden badge on their chests behind the one pounding on the door.

'THE POLICE?' I thought, mentally screaming. I dash to the door, turning the knob, but it didn't budge. It was locked seconds before I turned the knob.

'Did mother or father lock me in?' I thought as I jiggled the doorknob.

"Don't make a sound or you will pay for it." 'Mother' whispered through the rusty keyhole.
I immediately stoped with the handle and ran to the window. The men knocked again, and again. They must have gotten impatient, because then they broke down the door using a batting ram.

I watched as they forced the door down. As they ran in, I noticed a old lady with a parrot on her shoulder, talking to 1 of the men. I saw her from time to time, in the tiny yellow house next to us.

'Could she have told on my parents?' I mentally questioned myself.  'Maybe-

"LET US GO!" my 'mother' screamed.

"WE DID NOTHING!" 'Father' shouted.  They went on and on about how they 'did nothing wrong'.  The police officers kept asking a question hat was like,

"Where is the little girl?" Or "Where did you hide her?" My parents didn't say.

"Search every room in the house!" A police officer commanded. I heard what seamed to be thousands of foot steps, echoing through the hollow ceiling of the attic. One pair of feet got closer. And closer. And closer. Until 2 feet showed up at the attic door. The hinges on the door broke, giving way to the police officers standing behind it.

Smoke filled the room— since the attic was so dusty— and when it cleared, I could partially see the officers in the door way.

"H-Hello?" I asked, using up the courage inside me. "Is someone there?"

4 figures emerged form the smoke. 1 lent out a hand to me. They were smiling. The first one I saw in a very long time. I slowly reached out.
And took it.

Kitten-senpai here!
OOOOO juicy ;p
Hope y'all enjoyed
Word count: 1111

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