Chapter 1

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Note: Please make sure you have read book 1 "Thru it All" before reading this one, this is book 2 and sequel to that.


A lot changed over the course of 7 months. A whole year had basically went by of living my life how I wanted to live it. I moved up quick in my field of work soon became a business consultant which was a pretty big step. I had decided to move one more time into some luxury condos and took one of the top floors to get a good view of the city. It was just me and periodically my new man (we'll get into that later)  so I decided I'd save up for a dream house when that time came.

I had everything I wanted, a great support system between the girl I considered my sister, Asha and the guy I'd just started dating a month ago. But as usual, when something seemed to be going too good in life there was always something or someone that had to enter and ruin it all.


"Sis your new boo sent you flowers again he really likes you I aim to be like you in my relationship but I know from the looks of things Jay ain't getting no better" Asha said coming in my office and placing the red roses on the desk, it had a card with the letter S on it and a heart border.

"I keep telling you girl some things just not worth it, I'm speaking from experience" I said moving them to the other side of the desk. She rolled her eyes sitting back looking at me this girl was just as stubborn as me.

"Yea but the dick too good" she shrugged grabbing some papers off my desk.

I tried turning my attention back to the computer screen but not even five minutes later Samir came knocking on the door before stepping all the way in. I'd smelled his cologne before I saw him and a smirk drew across my lips as I looked up to meet his gaze. He smiled showing his white teeth and came sitting in the other seat next to Asha.

"I see you got the roses" he said still smiling and making me blush.

"I did...these are gonna look nice in here decorating the office a bit.." I played with one of the petals trying not to stare at him too long. The sexual tension was high but I had decided before we even got into a relationship that I wanted to wait a while to actually have sex.

"Mmm listen its a new club opening up called Sage opening up tonight I figured we should go.. its friday and ain't no work tomorrow" Mir said looking at me then Asha.

"Whaaattt you mean you want me to join you guys as a third wheel? I've been dying to come and witness y'all grinding up on each other" She said sarcastically getting up, She met my eyes and we instantly started laughing at each other. "I'm just playing with y'all you know I'll be there Jay ain't entertaining me tonight anyway"
She added walking out and closing my door this time.

I looked back at Samir for a moment then back at my screen, he just leaned back in the chair biting his lip. He worked on the floor above mine as an accountant, this was the man that met all my standard mentally and then turned around and met them every other way. He was polite, smart, funny, mature, and much much more to the point that I often had to make sure he was real. I tried quizzing him a few times and playing hard to get, I snapped on him a few times but he remained the same and I just hoped he stay like this with me forever. I knew it was common that a guy played so hard to get you and then when he finally did all of his techniques went out the window.

Samir knew so much about me in just this past month and at times it felt like we were moving too fast but everything always felt so right. He gave me different vibes and was truly a good guy, coming from a good background raised by great people. I tried not to compare him know who but I did it anyway sometimes, it was always the little things though like texting styles, driving styles, even sleeping. It was just something I really couldn't help.

"You never really said yes to going out tonight Nelly" he said interrupting my thoughts, I looked up at him and smiled slightly before nodding my head.

"I wanna go... what time you want me to be ready or am I meeting you..."

"Nah you know I'm your personal driver when we go out just be ready by eight, I hear y'all ladies get in free until 10" he got up coming over behind my desk and towering over me, I looked up at him still smiling. It felt like I could never stop smiling with him even if we weren't talking it was all about the energy he was giving me. He leaned down kissing my forehead and walked to the door.

"See you tonight" he said winking and walking out leaving me back to the silence. He could get it, but I wasn't trying to be so quick to give it up, and the best part about it was he understood without explaination.

Mine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora