I jumped on and signaled him to get on behind me.

"You're controlling the horse? Isn't a man supposed to do that while the lady hugs him from behind?" Jungkook refused to get on.

"Who told you that? Why does a man simply have to? Just shut up and get on."

Jungkook pouted from my words and sulked as he got on, wrapping his arms around me.


"What did I just do." Yoongi held his hand over his heart as he leaned against Jimins door.

He breathed heavily and tried to slow his heart down, but it wasn't working.

"What the fu-BEEEEP! Stop beating so quickly!" Yoongi punched his chest.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Taehyung asked as he was heading towards Jimins room.

"Nothing!" Yoongi stepped away from the door.

"I don't believe you, but okay!"

"Jiminieeeee!" Taehyung knocked repeatedly on his door.

Jimin wasn't answering so Taehyung opened the door. Before Taehyung stepped one foot, he was pulled inside and the door shut quickly.

Yoongi's heart raced even faster just thinking about Jimin's face.

"What the heck?!" Taehyung yelled as Jimin pulled him inside.


"What!" Taehyung whispered.

"Was Yoongi still outside my door?" Jimin asked

"Yeah, he was punching his chest right in front of your door. I think he crazy, do you think he should go to a mental hospital?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"Tae there is no mental hospital here and yes I think he's crazy!" Jimin shook Taehyung harshly.

"What happened?"

Jimin took a deep breathe before explaining everything to Taehyung.

"OOOOOH! SO Y/N WAS THE GIRL YOU LIKED!" Taehyung finally realized:

"Seriously? I thought it was obvious, but that's not the point! !" Jimin groaned at Taehyung.

"Okay so, are you a ho ho ho and liked Yoongi right after Y/n rejected you?"

"I swear if you don't shut the fu-BEEEP up right now, I will drop kick you out of this kingdom." Jimin clenches his teeth.

"Okay okay. What do you feel."

"What do you mean?" Jimin tilted his head.

"When you think of Y/n, then you think of Yoongi, who makes your heart beat." Taehyung asked

Jimin stayed silent of a while.


"Well who makes your heart beat faster?"



"Fine." Jimin sighed.

"Who makes your heart beat faster. Y/n or Yoongi?" Taehyung finally asked again.


"Why the heck are we in this garbage street?" Jungkook looked everywhere in disgust.

"It's not garbage, this was basically my second home." I glared at Jungkook.

"I thought the palace was your second home."

"The palace is my third." I got off the horse as well as Jungkook.

I sniffed the familiar air and smiled.

"This market was where I went to sell my bread everyday. Everyone here is like my family." I stared at the people selling their stuff and kids playing around.

"Noona!!!" A little kid shouted as he spotted me.

"Jihoo!" I hugged the little boy and carried him.

"Where did you go? Everyone missed you!" He looked at me and hugged me again.

"I had to go to the magical house and sell bread there!" I giggled.

"You went to the magical house?! Did you earn enough money for your magical dress?!" Jihoo smiled widely.

"I didn't earn it, neither did I deserve it but I had worn the magical dress to the magical dancing party!"

"Wow! But Noona, you deserve everything in the world! There's nothing you don't deserve!"

I smiled at the little boys innocence.

"Magical house? Magical dress? Magical dancing party?" Jungkook asked

"The palace, the dress you gave me, and the ball."  I clarified.

He nodded slowly and smiled at the little boy.

"Hello, I'm Noona's magical prince." Jungkook said.

"Wow!" Jihoo looked at Jungkook intrigued and amazed.

He then made grabby hands towards Jungkook, telling him to carry him. Jungkook laughed and carried Jihoo.

"Since when were you a prince?" I whispered to him.

"Since I found out children were afraid of the king." Jungkook winked.

"Oh my goodness! Your majesty, I apologize for my sons behavior!" Jihoo's mother came, thinking that Jihoo forced himself onto Jungkook.

"No no! I carried him myself, I have to say that he is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Besides Y/n." Jungkook mumbled the last part.

Jihoo's mother looked at Jungkook in glory and victory as if she's won 1million dollars.

"Isn't that the king?!"

"What's he doing in our place!"

"Oh no! Is he going to get rid of our place and make it into a horse stable like the past king's have done?!"

"What are they talking about?" Jungkook said as he put Jihoo down. Jihoo then ran to his mother.

"You don't know? I thought you knew since you said you knew children would be afraid of the king." I asked surprised.

Jungkook shook his head.

"I just know children were afraid of the king because the king's supposed to be a mean old man." He shrugged.

"We are always getting forced to move elsewhere due to the king's order. Multiple times, when we rebelled, they would destroy our place and everything we had. This had been going on for generations, with each and every king." I looked down.

"Y/n I promise you, I'm not like that!" Jungkook panicked, thinking I would leave him.

"Jungkook don't worry, I know that!" I smiled reassuringly, but I actually don't know that. I can't trust no king.

"I wanted you here, to show them you are the best fit for a king. That you are not like the other kings and that you are willing to befriend and know your people." I held his hand tightly and smiled. Actually I'm testing him, I don't know wether to trust him or not.

"Did perhaps, my father force you guys to move once?" Jungkook asked

I nodded.

"Though I wasn't born yet, my parents told me that your father had once destroyed our village to make it into a garden. So all the low class had to relocate."

Jungkook glanced around the village, seeing people look at him in fear. It made him sad.

King's Order | JJK x Reader ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin