Souvenir (Xie Bi'An x Michiko)

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The wooden door freaked open as blinding light spilled into the corner of the dark room. A small teenage girl was curled up in a corner, tears streaming down her dirt-stained cheek as she hugged her knees.

"C'mon kid, we're getting you somewhere safer," the soldier gently. Dusting her knees as she got up, Michiko nodded slowly as she stepped out of the corner for the first time in days.

The journey through the forest wasn't easy. Michiko hasn't had anything to eat for a few days, turning weak with each passing day. Along the path small white stones were scattered to let people know they were on the right track. Just as Michiko thought they were safe from any harm, the man beside her disappeared down into the ground, letting out a pained scream as sounds of something sharp tearing through flesh was heard. Fear engulfed the girl as leaves around her started to rustle, the tips of spears showing from the top of bushes.

This can't be happening!

Not caring where she would end up, Michiko starting running, her heart pounding as spears started to streak past her. Something brushed against her face and she felt warm blood starting to drip down, but it wasn't the time to stop and guess how sharp the tip had to be. She ran like she had never done in her life without turning back until her legs could no longer hold her up. Small droplets of water landed around Michiko as the sky above her darkened. The cut stung, but she didn't care. Instead, she got to her feet and continued running, but at a slower pace.

Soon enough, Michiko made out the distinct shape of a cottage ahead of her. With high hopes, she went up to the door and knocked softly. It was a while, but eventually the door opened and a lady with a weathered face appeared. "Y-yes? May I help you?" she asked. Michiko nodded and, nervous, asked if she could have a place to stay temporarily. Luckily, the woman steeped aside and let her into the cottage, shutting the door softly behind her. A pale boy lay in front of the only window, fast asleep. Both him and the woman seemed to be Chinese, but that didn't matter.

"It's a bit small, so you may have to get used to it for now until it's safe to leave," the old woman said. Michiko nodded and found a small place to sit on beside a pot of hot coals to keep warm as the woman prepared some tea. The boy stirred and opened an eye, jumping as he noticed the girl sitting in front of him. He eyed Michiko for a short while, "You're running away from them too, aren't you?" He asked. She nodded and asked for his name after mentioning her own. "Xie Bi'An. Me and my grandmother have stayed here for quite a while now. We're just waiting until it's safe to go out," he said, wistfully looking out the window.

The three of them sat in silence, drinking tea and listening as the leaves of trees outside swayed. Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from outside and thundering footsteps were heard. Before she could react, Michiko felt a rough hand pull her from her seat and into a small corner of the room with Bi'An. There, his grandmother covered them with a blanket and piled some boxes around them. A loud crashing noise hinted that the door was smashed and troops filed into the small cottage weapons aimed at the old woman. "It's just me! I live here all alone, just me-" Slashing noises pierced the children's ears as they sliced the body of the old woman, leaving her lifeless body on the ground after they were done.

Not a single sound was heard for what seemed like an eternity. Two children, alone and defenceless in the middle of a war. Michiko could no longer cry in neither fear or sadness - her tears had all been shed when her parents were taken away. Bi'An, however, was a total mess now. Being the same age as Michiko, Bi'An knew to suppress his emotions, but this was overwhelming. Warm tears spilled down his face as the girl beside him peeked out to check if it was safe. In a swift movement, she swept the blanket over the body and tucked in the corners. Both held hands and prayed that the woman could now rest in peace in a place with no harm and worries.

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