Rest (Norton x Victor)

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       The last thing Victor saw when he was teleported to the manor was Norton standing at the table looking anxious before he passed out. He'd contained Michiko throughout the whole match and finally escaped through the dungeon just as it's location was about to switch.

       When he came to, he was on his bed in his room and his hat and bag were on the table. Wick was nowhere to be found and Victor sat up in a panic. Pain seared through his shoulder and he winced at the burning sensation. Just as he swung his legs over the side, Norton came into the room, Wick peacefully sleeping in his arms. "Oh, you're awake. I was about to come in and wake you up for dinner," the prospector said as he set Wick down on the bed. "H-how long was I out?" Victor asked. It was already late when he passed out, so that means he... "You slept for a whole day Vic," the prospector finished and checked Victor's shoulder.

      With the aid of the prospector, Victor made his way to dinner and ate what was possibly half the table. Nobody could blame him since he had been out for a whole day without waking up in between. Even Wick was hungry and ate twice as much his normal portion of food. At the end of the meal, Norton insisted that Victor went up to continue resting despite the postman's protests. "Nort I've rested for a whole day!" He said as he resisted being pushed up the stairs. Wick was nowhere to be seen again, but he was probably playing with the survivors in the dining room.

       In the end Norton gave up trying to convince Victor. "If you insist that you have enough energy, why don't we play a custom match with a master-bot hunter?" Victor accepted and promised he'd meet Norton in the lobby as soon as he located Wick. As he left to locate his dog, Norton sighed in defeat and worry. He really cares about Victor, but the innocent postman didn't seem to realize. Now I know I hard it was for Emily to confess to Emma... he thought to himself as he made his way to the lobby. Victor was almost like Emma, innocent, stubborn, childish and adorable in every way possible. Norton didn't think that Victor would actually agree to that custom match because of the injury in his shoulder, but it was too late to turn back now.

||*In Whitesand Street Asylum...*||

       "I told you not to!" Norton said in frustration as Victor sat on a bed in one of the rooms. He clutched his bleeding shoulder and winced as blood seeped through the fabric of his shirt. He'd cut himself as he was escaping from the bot hunter, causing his wound to open again. Norton found him gasping in pain as he was running around finding a machine and immediately hauled him into the nearest room. "I-I'm sorry, Nort..." Victor muttered and he gripped the edge of the bed hard to keep himself from crying in pain. Norton sighed and took out the medicine and bandages he'd taken from his room. Victor stared as Norton opened a bottle and dipped a cotton ball into it. The prospector helped Victor get his shirt off without hurting him any further and gave him his hand. "If it hurts, squeeze it, as hard as you want."

       The moment the cotton ball came in contact with his wound, Victor's hand tightened around Norton's fingers. Despite how small it seems, his hand is squeezing with so much strength that it almost seems impossible for Norton to imagine how badly it hurts. A tear slipped out of his eye as Norton wrapped his shoulder with bandages. "Is it too tight?" Norton asked, worried. Victor shook his head and moved his shoulder slightly. The prospector hugged him, comforting him and wiping away his tears. "We should quit this match now, before it hurts too much," Norton said softly as the hunter passed by without seeing them.

       They quit the match and Norton helped Victor back to the manor. It was difficult because Victor had to avoid objects that might come in contact with his shoulder. However, they managed to make it before nightfall.

       "Don't you dare get out of bed again until it's dawn," Norton said sternly. Victor nodded furiously under the sheets and fell asleep soon after. Wick sat on the edge of the bed with Norton before falling asleep as well. He got up and pulled the sheets up to Victor's chin, leaving a light kiss on his cheek before leaving. As Norton walked back to his room, he wondered why Victor insisted he wasn't hurt when he knew very well he had a wound that hadn't been treated properly. It's...probably nothing. Let's just hope he gets well tomorrow. He thought as he lay down in bed.

||*The next morning*||

       "Morning, Nort!" Victor said with his mouth full of jam toast. Norton had just staggered out of his room, groggy from not getting enough sleep. Victor looked better compared to yesterday, which got rid of Norton's sleepiness. "I'm glad to see that you're finally better," he said as he reached over to get some toast. Eli passed by and reminded them they were all to go for a match later in the day. They went to their own rooms after breakfast to prepare for the match. Ten minutes later, everyone was ready and headed to the waiting lobby. Martha and Jose sat at one end of the table, debating on who should take charge of kiting. The sound of glass cracking was heard and they were taken to the map.

       It didn't take long for Norton to trace down Victor — He followed Wick to the direction of the postman. "Oh hey, Nort. Hang on, I'm almost done with this machine," the postman said as he decoded. As they ran to the next machine, Victor said something that almost made Norton yeet his magnets out. "Last night when I was asleep, I thought I felt someone kiss me or something. Weird dream, right?" Norton almost failed a calibration as Victor continued to ramble on about last night.

       Not long after, the cipher machine was popped and they ran to the exit gate. Norton put down a magnet and Victor started to type in the password. Thankfully Jose was containing on the other side of the map and Martha had opened the other gate so they could escape. "C'mon Nort! Gate's opened!" Victor exclaimed at the exit. Norton seemed lost in thought as he walked towards the gate when there was the sound of magnets being attracted. He looked down and saw the link between him and Victor before both of them were pulled towards each other, Victor falling into Norton's arms. He had walked into the area where Norton had put down the magnet, in fear that the hunter might teleport over, but he hadn't realised that Victor had picked it up as he ran to the gate.

       "I'm so sorry!" The frantic postman said as he pushed himself away. Norton only went over and hugged him, not letting go even as their heartbeats got louder. He kissed Victor on the cheek just as he did last night and looked at him in the eyes. "I-it was you?" Victor stuttered. Norton looked down and slowly nodded. In the distance, the shape of the Geisha got more and more visible, but they stayed in that position. The geisha was less than ten meters away when Norton suddenly pulled Victor in a kisses him on the lips, and to the surprise of the prospector, Victor kissed back. They walked out hand in hand, leaving the Geisha at the gate to contemplate why she ever decided to join this match.

This sucks and I hate myself for this XD I'm sorry for the slow update I have a load of homework and I play more Identity V than think of fan fictions.

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