By Your Side (Naib x Jack)

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All this is just imagined and isn't real. The actual characters still live in the Oletus manor but this story is an exception due to my weird imaginations.

       Naib woke up around five a.m. and sprung up from bed like a powerful spring. It was the day Jack was returning to town, and he wanted to get to the station as soon as he could to see his best friend. Who he may have developed a slight crush on over the past years, but was too afraid to say out.

       Jack had been his first ever friend as a child. They introduced themselves to each other randomly when both of them lost their parents in a store. After that, they started hanging out more and eventually became best friends. Coincidentally, their fathers knew each other as well, so the two children always met up at playgrounds to play. They swore to each other that neither would ever abandon the other without a reason and to this day they still remember that promise.

       Both of them are 22 years old now. It's been two years since they last talked. Naib was told by his father Jack had temporarily moved somewhere else as his father was sent there for work. Jack had told Naib over a letter that it was nearly impossible to keep in contact and he apologised so many times Naib couldn't keep track of it.
But now he's coming back!
       Despite having not seen his friend in so long, Naib will never forget how Jack looks, and cannot wait to see if he has changed. He decided to go to the station earlier, so as soon as the train arrives he can see Jack. Thankfully, the station was not crowded and Naib was able to stand near the gates with others waiting for their friends or family. It was a short while before the train started to come in sight. Naib felt like his heart was about to explode from all that excitement and he prayed that the train could move faster! As soon as the passengers could exit, Naib immediately spotted Jack.

       "Jack! Over her-", Naib stopped mid-sentence. Jack looked...different. He looked really thin and he had bags under his eyes. In other words, he looked like an ill patient suffering from a really terrible disease.. "Jack, what happened to you?.." The man didn't reply, he simply gestured for Naib to follow him and continued walking. Naib was getting slightly frustrated. He didn't wait for so long to be ignored by someone he hadn't seen in so long! Nevertheless, he followed Jack to the gates of the station and they got into a taxi. Neither spoke a single word and the silence hung in the air that even the driver felt awkward to speak to them.

||*When they reached Jack's home*||
       Naib decided he'd pay for the ride and Jack didn't put up much fight either. This was really weird! Normally he'd make a huge fuss about this. Why is he acting so strange? Thoughts ran around inside Naib's head as he followed Jack inside. The moment Jack dropped his bags, that blank mask shattered into a thousand pieces. He, a person that Naib had never seen upset, was crying. Naib's immediate reaction was to hug his friend tightly. He rubbed circles on the shaking figure's back until Jack had calmed down slightly. "Jack, you know you can't hide things from me. What's going on? What happened while you were away?" It took a while for Naib to make out the words, but when he finally succeeded, the news hit him hard.
My parents died while we were on a highway...
The tired man simply didn't have the energy to stay on his feet after explaining the whole incident and collapsed on his knees. Tears silently rolled down his cheeks as he stared blankly at the white tiles while Naib was too shocked to say anything. It was a full ten minutes before any of them made any movement. Naib shuffled over closer to Jack and hugged him, almost afraid that he might fall apart as soon as he let go.

"Jack, I know it's the worst time to tell you this, but I...Like you. And I promise that I'll stay by your side forever. Through your worst moments of life, I'll be right here." Jack's expression remained blank as ever and Naib sighed before helping him up. He was already weary and looked like he really needed some rest. Naib insisted on staying over for the night and accompany Jack despite his weak protests. He promised to help unpack the next day, and wouldn't leave until he was sure everything was okay.

||*In Jack's room*||
       "Naib?", Jack's voice was soft and sleepy in the darkness. "What is it?" The boy sleeping on a mattress on the floor sat up. He looked over to Jack, who was patting the side of his bed and gestured for Naib to get up there. Naib pulled back the covers slightly and slipped in. He'd barely just lay down when Jack's arms wrapped around him. "I'm afraid I'll have nightmares of the incident Naib...I don't want to rewatch the whole incident on replay...", the soft voice edged with slight fear said beside him. Naib pulled the covers up and hugged him back comfortingly, saying he'd be there if anything happened or when he feels scared and alone. Just as Naib was slipping into the stretching arms of slumber, he heard the faint voice next to him speak, but the good news was that it seemed more comforted than before.

I like you too, Naib. I'll try my best to recover from that incident..

Author's note
Bruh what the heck did I just write. I feel really dramatic at the moment because of the ending. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this..Cringey piece of writing ;w;

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