I Will Protect You (William x younger sister!reader)

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Requested by @Siniora-Chan
Idk why it's not highlighted ;-; this one took a while and isn't really that good. I was on a trip when I wrote this, so my apologies if this isn't up to your expectations.

It was a warm Saturday evening and everyone was relaxing in the manor. However, William was running around preparing things in an empty room, which was surprising because normally he would just laze around in his room. Naib stared at the forward racing around everywhere clattering noisily before asking what in the hell was he doing.
"You didn't hear?", William asked the mercenary incredulously. Naib shook his head and waited for William to continue. William sighed, "My sister, Y/N, is coming to the manor. And I want to make everything perfect for her as an older brother."

Everyone around the two of them stopped what they were doing and stared at the forward—all of them were surprised. William shrugged and continued moving boxes into the once empty room. Nobody ever knew that William had a younger sister, and were all keen on meeting her. But of course...Trouble is always in the dark corners, waiting for the right time to pounce. Not really serious trouble, but still..trouble.

||*Y/N's POV*||
       I really didn't expect the manor to be so huge. The surroundings were unsettling though...It was eerily silent and if it was something I hated other than people always trailing behind me, it was darkness. I walked up to the huge door and pushed it open with all my might. Cheerleading really did improve my strength... "Is anyone there?", I called out into the emptiness and heard footsteps down a hall wi5hin a second.

'Y/N!! You're finally here!" William pounced on me and gave me a huge bear hug. I laughed and squeezed him back merrily. It'd been so long since I saw him but he still hasn't changed much, messy and loud as ever. A few people came out and I saw what seems like an embalmer, which was really cool because I've always wanted to see one in real life, not in books. They all seemed nice and I was introduced to a postman, Victor, who was also new to the manor. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me from behind...

'Lemme take you to your room, Y/N. I've already cleaned it so you don't have to.' 'Unimaginable kindness, William. And very unlike you.' I laughed and hurried after him. Unlike me, William took large strides when walking and I took smaller steps, so I had a hard time catching up. We made it to the second floor of the Oletus manor and there is was. A door with a small decorated wooden plaque reading 'Y/N L/N'

||*William's POV*||
       I smiled to myself and watched my little sister jump around her room. She looked so happy and it reminded me of when she was just a child, energetic every day and carefree. She then proceeded to spend her next ten minutes pushing me out of her room so that she could unpack her stuff and five minutes to close the door which I held open. When she finally succeeded she huffed and cursed at me in Japanese, which I found quite funny. I was about to walk off when I saw a familiar shadow down the hall.

Kreacher Pierson...
I marched down the hall and the shadow dashed in a closet. Fast and clever move, but not fast enough. I yanked open the closet and denied him an escape route by cornering him in the closet itself. "What are you doing here and why were you watching us?" I asked the shifty thief. He glanced around nervously and his eyes lingered on a spot too long. I went over, still dragging the third by the collar, and found Kevin and Servais there. I was about to open my mouth when the mercenary's voice rang through the corridor. "William get your lazy ass out here! You promised us you'd play play against the Wu Chungus!" I groaned inwardly and gave them a death glare before running down the staircase.

I couldn't concentrate through the match, which gave the black and white brothers an advantage since I couldn't kite properly. Naib smacked me over the head for being so distracted, but I don't blame him. I knew Y/N didn't like people who got too close to her, and it was my duty to protect her as an older brother. I'd sworn to her the day I got the letter that if I ever saw her again I would never fail to protect her.
I can't break that promise now!
       I sighed and headed back to the manor and decided I'd bring Y/N around. As I headed up to her room, I heard laughing sounds from the room on the other side of the wall, which was the hunter's side of the manor. "Must be Bane and Leo goofing around again..." I was about to knock on Y/N's door when I noticed it was slightly ajar. Strange...Y/N isn't the type of person to leave her door open... I pushed it open slightly, fearing the worst, and the worst was presented.
She was gone.

||*Third person POV*||
       William raced around the manor, trying to find his missing sister. He knew she couldn't have gone out the manor, so she definitely had to be around here! He searched everywhere in every corner, but he couldn't find any trace of her. "Maybe she's pulling a prank on me..." he though wearily as he trudged back to his room. He reached the stairs when he trod on something hard. He looked down and saw a silver bangle on the ground, which could only be one person's — Y/N's.

       Immediately he barged into the small room next to the staircase used as a small library. There, sat Kreacher, Servais and Kevin around a table. Y/N was between them, looking scared and nervous. William was shaking with fury as he stared at the three males in the eyes. Without saying a word, he went over and pulled Y/N up to her feet and checking if she had any injuries. Thankfully there weren't any, or else Aesop Carl would have his hands and coffins full for the next few days. Y/N clutched onto William, reminding him of when she was a child again, but he kept a straight face and walked back up to her room.

       William had barely got Y/N into her room before she went limp like a doll in his arms. She was shaking slightly but trying to not show it. "Next time they do this to you Y/N..." William started and Y/N looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. "I will put them in a dress and make them cheerlead in front of the hunter in a match." "B-but they look horrid in dresses!" Y/N spluttered and laughed, clutching her stomach as she collapsed in a fit of giggles, William joining soon after picturing the horrendous scene.

       It was a while before both of them could stop laughing and catch their breathe. "If anything ever happens, don't leave yourself open to it. Okay? I'll always be right here to protect you." Y/N nodded and hugged her older brother. It was getting quite late and Y/N was so tired she fell asleep in no time. William realises and picked her up effortlessly to her bed. He pulled up the covers and Y/N snuggled deeper into the sheets, almost disappearing from William's sight. He smiled and got up to get some rest himself. Before shutting the door, he looked back.

       "I will always be there to protect you, Y/N."

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