Episode 3 - Rivals x For x Survival

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The three approach the tall building. Leorio looks at the building, "So this is the exam site...This is what draws..."

"Hunter applicants from across the world," Kurapika finishes.

Gon's fist tightens as he looks at the building with determination, "My first shot at the Hunter Exam... Was this how Dad felt, when he first arrived?"

The Navigator suddenly calls to them, "Hey guys!"

"Hmm?" The three look down from the tall, extravagant building.

"Over here."


The three turn to the Navigator who points in front of him at a different building, "Here."

The three look to the building next to the tall one, revealing an old, modest restaurant.

"Wait, this isn't funny," Leorio jokes, "Isn't that an ordinary restaurant? You can't possibly mean that Hunter applicants from around the world are meant to assemble here?"

"Hunter applicants from around the world assembling in a tall, flashy building which screams importance when it is definitely a bait because Hunters are the most "incredible people drawn to magic" so of course they would be intelligent and devious enough to-"

"I get it!!!"

"No, no, keep going Killua. Watching Leorio grow more irritated every second you speak is very entertaining."

"Kurapika, you traitor!!!"

"Wait, Killua, you remembered what the narrator said about Hunters!" Gon chimes in, unintentionally saving Kurapika from being susceptible to a wild Leorio's attack, damage ability unknown.

Killua mumbles in response, "What about it?"

"Nothing. I'm just surprised you remembered the narrator's intro." Gon smiles, eliciting a "hmph" from Killua.

"I do," The Navigator replies. "No one would ever expect the Hunter Exam, with its millions of candidates to be located here, right?"

"That's true," Leorio mutters.

A man sizzling meat is shown as the group enters the small restaurant, "Welcome!"

"Is the back room open?" The Navigator asks.

The chef glances at the four, "What will you have?"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light," The Navigator answers, "For three."

A close up of the chef is shown, "For three..." His eyes narrow, "How would you like them?"

"Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

"Why did it sound like he was talking about cooking us?" Leorio mutters.

"A Leorio combo that opens your eyes to the light. I don't think that would be grilled over a low flame, more so roasted in a raging fire." Kurapika responds.

"Hah?! What does that mean?"

The chef turns back to his cooking, "Got it. Let yourself into the back room."

The four head towards the back room.

"Wait here," The Navigator says as they enter a room with a round table in the middle and three chairs around it.

Leorio turns to the Navigator, "Wait. Where are the others?"

"Already at the exam site, you slowpoke," Killua teases.

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