Chapter 8

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Fred, Daphne and Walter soon stumbled upon the mystery machine-it was empty all they found were empty crawdad shells which startled Daphne a little when she'd opened the back door. 

Fred and Daphne then got into a little argument about how they each acted different around Beau and Lena, out of both their jealousy. 

Walter rolled his eyes in annoyance of the couple's petty quarrel. 

"Can you two please just drop it and get back to focusing why we're here?" Walter asked them to arguing. 

Fred and Daphne stopped talking and both just glanced at each other, annoyed. Suddenly, Daphne felt someone grab her shoulder, but she was able to act quickly and threw the thing over her shoulder.

"Daphne, are you!..." Fred exclaimed in concern, ready to help his girlfriend. 

"I can handle myself, thank you" Daphne cut in, since she had taken self-defense. 

Walter placed his lantern out to get a better look at what Daphne had just taken out, revealing to be a zombie. 

"It's another zombie" He said. 

"It's probably the gardener" Fred suspected. 

"We'll just see about that" Daphne said, about to take off the mask when she felt someone else behind her in the bushes. 

She immediately grabbed the stranger by his arm and flipped him out next to the zombie, revealing to be...

"Shaggy?" Fred, Walter and Daphne all said surprised. 

Then they heard more rustling and saw Scooby appear out of the bushes. 

"Scooby?" They said surprised again. 

"Oh, thank goodness we found you!" Walter said, relieved to see his two best friends. "Are you guys okay?" he asked them in a bit of concern. 

Shaggy only groaned in response after he had been flipped by Daphne then screamed as he looked to see that he was lying on top of the zombie and jumped into Scooby's paws. 

"Take it easy, Shag" Fred told him. "It's just a mask"

Daphne then tried removing the mask off of the zombie but was having a pretty hard time doing so. "If this is a mask, Fred, it's a pretty darn good one" she said.  

"Maybe just this once it's not actually a mask" Walter suggested. 

"It's the fakest, cheesiest mask I've ever seen" Fred scoffed, not having payed attention to Walter's claim. 

"Really?" Daphne turned back to Fred briefly before she continued pulling on the mask. "But it feels real"

"You're just not pulling hard enough" Fred said to her. 

"Okay, Mr. Macho" Daphne told her boyfriend. "Why don't you try it?"

"Sure" Fred replied, then handed the camera over to Shaggy. "Hold this, Shag"

Shaggy held the camera but was being a little on edge, making the camera all shaky. 

"Either hold it still or give it to Daphne" Walter told his cowardly friend. 

Shaggy did as Walter said and handed the camera to Daphne while Fred began trying to pull the mask off the zombie.

"It's the gardener!" He grunted. 

"No" Daphne and Walter replied. 

"It's the fisherman!" Fred said. 

"No" Shaggy replied while still shaking. 

"It's the ferryman!" Fred said. 

"Ro" Scooby even shook his head. 

"Maybe it's..." Fred said, when he finally had torn off the zombie's head. "Real!"

The gang screamed in horror as they all began tossing the zombie's head around to each other, when Scooby finally threw it back down next to the zombie. 

"I-I told you it wasn't a mask!" Daphne told Fred shakily. 

"It must be animatronic" Fred said. 

"I highly doubt that, Freddie!" Walter replied in a bit of irritation but was starting to get rather scared himself now. 

The gang watched as the zombie placed it's head back on and moaned. Just then, the wind started to swirl around like there was some evil aura in the air, and out of the lake came the zombies!

"It's a regular zombie jamboree!" Walter said, never being more scared in his life then he was right now.

"Like, it's deja-vu all over again!" Shaggy exclaimed. "And we know what to do, eh, Scoob?" he told his dog. 

"Reah!" Scooby nodded fearfully. "Run!"

The cowardly duo then took off running away from the zombies. 

"Shaggy! Scooby!" Walter called and chased after them.

Fred and Daphne ran off their own separate way after having lost the camera in quicksand.  

The gang all ran throughout the swamps from the zombies, having never been more terrified in their lives knowing in fact that these zombies were indeed proven to be real. Walter ran with Scooby and Shaggy to keep them safe, while Fred and Daphne had soon run into Velma and Beau. 

Meanwhile, back with the boys, Shaggy and Scooby were not looking where they were going when they tripped over a tree branch and tumbled down into a dark secret hidden cave. Walter came in after them.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked his cowardly friends, coming over to them in concern. 

Shaggy soon looked up, and that's when the boys saw a candlelight and found something very strange...

"Zoinks!" Shaggy said, coming over with Walter and Scooby to find some very strange looking wax dolls that looked awfully familiar. 

"What are these?" Walter asked, having a closer look at the dolls

"Like, someone's been playing with dolls, Scoob" Shaggy said to his talking dog. 

"Reah" Scooby nodded. "Rolls"

"Hmm" Walter carefully examined the waxed dolls. "I wonder who could've made them"

Scooby and Shaggy then picked up the dolls and started playing around with them. 

"Hey, this one looks like Daphne" Shaggy said, moving the wax doll's arm up. 

The two laughed as they were having fun, until Walter's eyes widened as he remembered something the way how he recognized what type of dolls these were. 

"Guys! Put those down!" Walter yelled at Shaggy and Scooby in alarm. "They're voodoo dolls!"

"Huh?" Shaggy and Scooby looked to Walter confused. 

Just then, the boys heard a sound and turned around to see a million beady red eyes staring at them. 

"Uh, oh" Shaggy and Scooby said, knowing what it was. 

"Bats!" Walter cried out. "Move!"

The boys quickly ran outside the cave while the swarm of bats chased after them then flew off into the night. 

Scooby and Shaggy both sighed in relief. 

"That was close" Walter said to his two friends, catching his breath. 

"Reah" Scooby nodded in agreement. 

But little did the boys know that the anger was far from them, as they suddenly froze in fear once they heard some familiar groaning. They looked out towards the trees and bushes as the zombies came out. 

"We're not looking for ghoul-friends, right guys?" Shaggy asked Walter and Scooby fearfully. 

"Ruh-uh!" Scooby shivered, shaking his head. 

"Let's get out of here!" Walter cried, leading his friends away as they ran off together. 

Walter and Scooby Doo and the Mystery of Zombie IslandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang