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Stephanie didn't forget about what Kole told her earlier that day, but she felt better, plus why was she worried, he was with her now and he could've chosen her but he chose Stephanie. She can't judge him or his decisions , who was she to judge, she had a boyfriend as well, she had no right to comment on his love life.

" Are you almost ready baby?" Kole called from living room.

" I need a little help with my necklace ." She came out of the bathroom all dressed up. She had a long , red strapless dress . Her breasts looked amazing in it, her long blonde hair covering her shoulders, little diamond earrings and she was holding red diamond necklace he got for her.

" My Lord, you look absolutely stunning." Kole looked up and down, " Spin for me baby."

Stephanie playfully rolled her eyes, " Don't be cheesy."

He went up to her , took her hand and spun her around, " Damn baby, you sexy fuck."

" Kole!" She squealed and hit his chest making him laugh.

" Here baby, give me your necklace, " he said and she put it in his hand. Kole helped her with it and as shown in movies, kissed her neck.

" You're so sweet , it scares me." Stephanie admitted.

" Why?"

" I don't know, you make me nervous."

Kole cackled , " Ready ?"

" Yes !" She grabbed her purse and stormed out of their room.

" You took so long to get ready and now you're getting impatient again !"

" I can't help it Kole! I want to see, getting ready for tonight kept me busy and now when I'm ready I can't wait for it ." although she was pretty sure she knew what the surprise was anyways .

They arrived at some restaurant which was super crowded and it felt disappointing. Stephanie imagined something else , and now she was standing in front of a crowded restaurant . That's okay she reminded herself , she looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting darker , her heart dropped and she got sad yet again . Almost midnight , and then it's the last day for them , and it's going to be less than 24 hours to spend . It's okay , there's still time .

" Good evening , Do you have a reservation ? Because we're very full tonight ."

I can see that , Stephanie thought .

Kole let go of her to whisper something in guys, who greeted them ,  ear . The guy pulled away and flashed a smile , " Yes , follow me."

Steph suddenly got nervous and suspicious . They walked to the elevator which was next to the kitchen , got in and no one said a word . What was about to happen ? It took some time to get there , and when they did , the guy didn't even get out of it , he just held the doors open for them and had a big grin on his face .

Stephanie walked out first and so much tears filled her eyes that her vision became super blurry and she almost didn't see the beauty of it .

The dark skies almost complimented the rooftop they were on . Candles lit everywhere , big pool , rose petals and a table . She didn't know where to look . It was so beautiful , she didn't want to miss any detail but there was too much to see , roses on the table , roses covering the floor , petals in the pool and around it , the lights around the table , wow . She was amazed .

" You like it ?" Kole knew the answer but still asked . He did think Stephanie would get disappointed when she saw the crowd but at the same time it was even better , she wouldn't expect it until the last second . And that's what happened . She had no idea and now she was taken back .

" Are you crazy ? Kole this is a fairytale . This is so wonderful oh my God Kole !"

She wanted to run and look all around , but it felt like her shoes were glued to the rose and petal covered floor .

" Let's go eat some dinner , then we can get in pool and enjoy the view from there ."

" Kole how did you even manage to do this ?"

Kole smirked and put his hand on her lower back, "let's eat , I'm starving , I'll tell you everything ." she was impatient again , but she was mine.

Couple had three course meal and finished a whole bottle of champagne , after dinner they looked at the view and talked about the evening , how beautiful it turned out , and at that moment Stephanie had already forgotten about the divorce or the ring she thought he's going to tell or give it to her .

" let's go get in the pool." Kole offered but it sounded more like he was demanding it .

" But Kole I don't have a swimsuit with me , or did you take care of that too ?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

" Nope." He got up from the fancy black leather chair and started undressing, " Let's swim naked, the swimsuit was never planned."

" Naked ? People can come up here."

" No . They won't bother us anymore , at least for now . Come one ." He was standing only in his boxers .

Stephanie wasn't too sure but then said fuck it , what she had to lose ? Well a lot , she is going to lose a lot , so it didn't matter .

" You want me to give you a show too ? " she chuckled , and Kole jumped in , water splashing everywhere .

" Do it ."

She licked her lips and tried not to laugh . Steph got up on her chair and undid her necklace , she wasn't sure if she could remove it by herself but felt relived when the necklace fell into her hand , she didn't embarrass herself . She slid down her dress letting her naked breasts free , she was standing in nude lacy thong , which she took off as well . Girl carefully got off the chair and was left standing only in red high heels , the same color as her dress .

" I like what I see , take it off and join me ."

She walked in front of him and turned around , her back was scratched and also bruised , just like the rest of her body . Kicked off her shoes and fell into the pool , screaming when the not so warm water got on her .

" Oh my god I feel so alive ! " she screamed from a literal rooftop .

" You're so fucking beautiful ."

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