As we walked slowly through the halls, I fell into step beside my father. "Father..." I said hesitantly. "What are you going to do to him?"

He glanced at me, a frown settled onto his features as he took my hand. "He hurt my daughter. He took you away from me and made you marry him. Who knows what other horrific crimes he committed against you, my beautiful precious daughter. I am going to make sure he dies a very painful death as soon as possible."

Fear gripped my heart as I stopped walking, causing Finn to bump into me. "I...father. I don't know how to say this so you'll understand..."

The king touched my chin gently and tipped it up. "What is it my child?"

"Please don't kill him." I blurted out, feeling my eyes stinging with tears.

My siblings stared at me like I was crazy and the king seemed horrified. They would never understand. That much was clear by the disturbed expressions they weren't even trying to hide from me. The King gestured for me to follow him into a private room nearby where we could talk freely without prying eyes.

"Why?" He asked slowly.

"Because...because he's my husband and I...don't want him to die." I murmured, but that only seemed to startle them more.

"Aria..." My father sounded disappointed and horrified as he rested his hand over his eyes. "No, no. It can't be. The queen mentioned something about it, but I didn't want to believe it. Don't tell me you've got stockholm syndrome."

I stepped back. "What? I don't have that. I just don't want him to die."

"Why? Aria, wake up. He kidnapped you." Flora broke in. "How could you ever like that psychopath?"

"I don't like him, I love him. And I know none of you will understand it, but he's not that psychopathic serial killer you saw on TV. Please give him a chance." I begged.

"He'll receive a fair trial just like any other criminal, but considering all the damage he's done in his life, he isn't going to be let off easy." Father said.

"He's my husband!" I raised my voice angrily.

"Not for long." Flora mumbled under her breath.

I glared at her and held up my hand, showing them mother's ring on my finger. "I will always be Princess Aria Tomlinson."

"Aria, how could you even think like this? I'm worried about you." Finn stepped closer to touch my shoulder.

I jerked away, feeling ganged up on and utterly alone. I shouldn't feel like this at this moment, when I've finally been reunited with my family. But I felt like none of them were on my side or wanted to even consider supporting me.

"I understand you're concern, but you don't know him. You've never even seen his face until now. I've been living with him for almost a year and I've watched him transform into a man I could love. And he loves me too." I said with conviction.

"That's bullshît!" Finn exclaimed.

"You're brainwashed!" Flora agreed with our brother.

"Enough." Father cut in before things could get anymore heated. "Children...we've just found our missing Aria and it's hurting me to see all of us so upset with each other. No more talk of the serial killer today."

I wasn't done talking about Louis at all, but I honestly didn't know what else to say or how to get them to understand. The situation seemed hopeless.

After that everyone seemed to be trying to ignore the criminal in the dungeon below the palace. Yes, we had a dungeon even in 2218. It was cold and dreary and heavily guarded. No one had ever escaped from it that I could recall. It was more for holding criminals temporarily than long term. It pained me to think that Louis would be locked up down there until he was sentenced.

The King's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now