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Y/n looked around her office. She watched as cadets left the building. She sighed once. She turned and saw blonde hair and blues eyes watching her from the doorway. "What are we gonna do after this? Titans are gone. We gotta find someplace to live after this." Erwin nodded. "Knowing you, you've probably already found a home for us." Erwin sighed. "You know me so well." She smiled as she grabbed the last box from her office. She sighed as she tapped the door frame. "Goodbye HQ. We'll miss you." She grabbed Erwin's remaining hand and they walked down the stairs to the front of the building. "Why don't we go find that new place you were talking about babe?" Erwin asked. Y/n opened the door for her boyfriend and kissed his cheek as he left the building. They intertwined fingers again as they walked to the nearby district of Trost.

"Here it is." Y/n stated as she stopped in front of the small two-story home. Erwin smiled. "This is gonna be perfect." Erwin said as he put his remaining arm around his girlfriend. ""I love you." He smiled at her. "I love you too. Even though you only have one arm." Y/n joked. She wrapped her arm around him also. She stood on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek. They smiled at each other as they carried the last box into the house. After that was done, she felt a firm hand on her ass. She felt Erwin's long finger's wrap around her ass cheek. Then a tight squeeze followed. She turned to see her one-armed boyfriend as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

~Smut Warning If Uncomfortable Please Skip Until Further Notice. Thank You.~

Y/n turned and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck. "What do you say we take this upstairs?" Erwin asked as he lifted her onto his hips. She could feel his erection through both of their pants. She wrapped her legs around him. She passionately slammed her lips against his. He used his one arm to hold her on his waist. She held on tightly as he walked up the stairs to their room and kicked open the door the rest of the way. She parted her lips from his for breath. She then slammed her lips against his once more. He pinned her against the wall. She leaned closer to his neck. She bit down, and drew a bit of blood as she nibbled and left a red mark on his neck. He slipped his hand around her straps, unbuckling them and pulling them off of her body in a swift motion. She did the same to him. He then slipped his hand under his shirt slipping it off of her body and throwing it to the floor. Next was her pants. He quickly removed the white pants from her legs, leaving her in her bra and panties. She put her feet around his waist and slipped her feet down, his pants and underwear following. His members sprang up, freed from its cage. He then unclamped her bra, throwing it to some other side of the room. He used his hand to gently rub over her rosy bud. Moans erupted from her mouth, as Erwin rubbed her breast. He then removed his hand, using it to slip off her panties, throwing them in someplace in the room. She positioned herself on his member. Before sliding herself onto him. She moaned as he lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. She felt him slam into her again. He thrusted into her once again. She moaned over and over as he thrusted into her. She screamed as she came onto his member. Triggering his climax as well. She felt him grab her and lay her on the bed. Joining her as well. Although, she wasn't completely satisfied. Erwin began to close his eyes. "We're not done yet." She said seductively. She took his member in her hand. She began to palm him, he moaned as he felt her hands palm him over and over again. Before he came to his climax she straddled him. She kissed him passionately before she inserted his member into herself. She then began to move. Bouncing on his member over and over again. Moans erupted from both her and Erwin. She moaned one last time as they both came.

~End of Smut. Please continue from here.~

Y/n watched as Erwin slipped on her underwear. "You know, you don't have to get dressed~." Erwin purred. She turned to face him. "Actually, darling, I do. Levi and Eren are supposed to be over in about a half hour. So I suggest you put on something presentable." She replied. Erwin sighed and kissed her cheek before she continued to get dressed. Erwin grabbed his underwear and slipped it onto his legs. He then slipped on his pants. Watching as Y/n slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. She then opened the door to their room. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." After she spoke she closed the door. Erwin sighed and slipped on a pair of sweats. He closed the door to their closet and cleaned up the pile of clothes. He then left the room.
Hanji and Moblit were sitting downstairs. The three were laughing. Y/n turned to see Erwin walking down the stairs. "Hey babe!" She said cheerfully as she walked over to him. She leaned up to kiss his cheek, to which he smiled. He then kissed her lips softly. They then sat down next each other on the sofa across from Hanji and Moblit. "We have a small problem..." Hanji finally spoke up after a long, awkward silence. "What is it?" Y/n asked. Hanji stood and walked over to Erwin. Hanji put her hands on Erwin's shoulders before shaking him vigorously. 

"YOU! HAVEN'T! PROPOSED! TO! Y/N! YET! WHEN! ARE! YOU! GOING! TO! GET! YOUR! SHIT! TOGETHER! AND! PROPOSE! TO! HER! I! NEED! GRANDBABIES!" Hanji screamed while she shook Erwin. He then used his hand to push the energetic brunette away from him.  "I'll propose to Y/n when I feel the time is right. Go sit with Moblit, Hanji." Erwin said with a frown. Hanji sighed and sat down. She watched as Y/n stood and walked into the kitchen. Y/n returned with six cups in her hands. She handed one to Erwin before walking over to Hanji and Moblit. She handed one to each before heading to the door and opening it to reveal Levi with his fist up, about to knock on the door. She handed Levi a cup of the tea and handed one to Eren who was sheepishly standing behind Levi. She smiled and let them inside. She led them to the sofas that were placed in the living room before she sat down beside Erwin. 

Levi looked over at Hanji and Moblit who were sitting diagonally from him and Eren. Y/n was the first to speak up. "So, since everyone is here, how about we have a game night?" She suggested. Erwin nodded. "I'd be fine with that." He said. Levi nodded in agreement. Eren nodded before resting his head on Levi's shoulder. Moblit quietly agreed while Hanji was bouncing in her seat. "What about a sleepover after that, I mean, the games you guys play can get kinda long." She said as she turned her head from side to side, looking around the house. "I don't care, just do make sure everyone's okay with it." Y/n said as she left the couch and went into the kitchen area. She made some snacks and went to grab a game from the top of the bookshelves that were filled with books. She stood on the tips of her toes, attempting to reach the highest shelf. She set the snacks down on a nearby table and jumped to reach the game. Erwin noticed her struggle and left the couch to help her. He grabbed her waist and hoisted her up so she could reach the shelf. Before she was let down, she kissed her boyfriend's cheek. Thanking him for his help.

Y/n grabbed the snacks as Erwin held the game. She walked back to the table with the snacks and sat them on the table. She grabbed the game from Erwin and set up the game. 

The game continued for a while before Y/n began to get tired. She let out a small yawn before resting her head on Erwin's chest, silently falling asleep. As Erwin took his next turn, he moved, attempting to reach the board. Y/n clenched his shirt tightly in her small hands. Her thin figers grasping at his shirt. He looked down at the small girl and sighed. 

"I think Y/n and I will be heading to bed. Goodnight everyone." Erwin said after waking his girlfriend. She yawned before waving to everyone. She headed up the stairs with Erwin following behind her. After making it up to their shared room, she quickly went to her side of the bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Erwin smiled and changed out of his clothes. He slipped on some pajamas before he quickly slipped into the bed with her. Wrapping his arm around her and kissing her forehead. He too was soon consumed by sleep.

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