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Y/n walked back into Scouting Regiment Headquarters. She watched as everyone gave her strange looks before they turned to eachother and began whispering. No doubt rumors were going around about her. She lowered her head and walked faster to get back to her office. Erwin following close behind. He watched as she ran up the stairs and made sure that she got back safely. He grabbed her hand as she walked up the stairs to her office.

"Don't listen to them, they're just trying to get in your head." He said as he wrapped his arms around her small body. She watched as he walked around to the other side of her. "I love you. And all that matters is that you're okay." He said as he kissed her cheek. She looked over at him. "Thanks, for that..." She said with a small smile. She opened her office to find it a mess, and empty. She sighed and began to pick up the papers on the floor. She looked over the office and found books scattered, her desk was disgusting and had tea and coffee spills all over, and her windows had fingerprints. She sighed before she walked to the nearby supply closet. She grabbed a broom and some other cleaning supplies. 

An hour later, her office was clean and organized and she felt better. "Wow, this is, beyond clean..." Erwin said behind her. "Now I need to see how bad my room looks." She hissed. Erwin nodded as she turned the knob to enter her room. She turned the knob to her bedroom, her bed was still made from that morning, the work of Erwin. She didn't have time to do it that morning. She saw books scattered everywhere, papers thrown onto the floor, and her bookcase was laying face down on her floor. Her eye twiched in anger. "God damnit, I'm gonna kill Hanji if I find her!" She yelled angrily. Erwin flinched. She looked at the door. She watched as the door opened. Levi stood in the doorway. Eren behind him. "Where's Hanji?" He asked. Y/n shrugged. "Don't know, but she trashed my room and office a while ago." She hissed. Eren whispered something to the raven, causing him to smile faintly. "I'm pretty sure she's in that trashed office of her's." She hissed. She began to pick up the mess that was strewn about in her room. She watched as Levi left the room to find the brunette. She sighed loudly. "Remind me to change the locks on my doors." She hissed. Erwin sighed and put his arms around her hips. "Calm down. Stop cleaning and something else you can do." Erwin said as he attempted to calm the girl. She sighed before she turned to face him. "And what exactly can I do?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Erwin put his on her hips and leaned down to her. "Well, you could help me with my piles of paperwork, or help me to plan the next mission, or we could do some other things." He whispered. "If you needed help with paperwork you could have just told me." She said as she put her forehead against his. She then slipped out of his grasp and walked over to the door, putting her pale fingers around the knob. She turned back to him before she motioned for him to join her. He complied and they walked back to his office.


The piles of paperwork were gone. Erwin's desk was no longer bowing from the weight, and currently the couple was laying on his couch, the taller playing with the smaller's hair. Her (h/l) (h/c) locks wrapped around his thin fingers. She looked up at the taller. A blanket covering the two. "We really need to stop having sex or starting sex on your office couch." She said as she kissed his bare chest. "I know. This couch has been through a lot. I think I need a new one." He said with a small, playful smile. He watched as she slowly moved off of the couch, taking the blanket with her. Erwin sat up. He looked down at her and looked stared into her (e/c) orbs. She walked into his room and grabbed a shirt. She then went back into his office and grabbed her bra and underwear. She ran to her bathroom at the sound of a knock on his office door. Erwin quickly scrambled to his room, quietly so he wouldn't be heard. 

Just a Nightmare | Erwin Smith x Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now