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Y/n watched as a dream played in her mind. 


Everything was black, but soon came into color. Y/n was with her mother, father and brother, but none of them looked the same. She looked over to her mother, who was reading. "Mama, why can't I leave?" She asked. Her mother turned to her and smiled. "It's dangerous my dear." She whispered. Y/n nodded a few times before she headed to her room. When she got there, a red figure greeted her. It held her brother's limp figure in it's hands. Red was all over the room. The figure turned to her, giving her a devious smile. "Come here my dear. Your brother is simply taking a nap is all." It hummed. She took a step back. The figure showed it's pointed yellow teeth. She took a few more steps back before she ran to her mother. She shook her arm as an attempt to make her understand. She screamed for her mother to awaken. "MAMA!" She cried. Tears were falling down her cheeks as she removed her hand to find blood spilling from her mother's limp body. "MAMA, PAPA! PLEASE WAKE UP!" She cried as she ran over to her father's limp body. She cried as she held his limp body close to her's. Her eyes glowed red with anger. She hugged her mother and father one last time before she ran back to her room. Her brother was alive, but barely. "(B/n)!" She cried. "Y/n." He whispered to her. She climbed onto her bed and he began to shake her. "Y/n! Wake up!" She heard him cry, but it wasn't his voice. 


"Y/N!" Y/n shot up screaming. She looked over at her boyfriend who was laying his hand on her shoulder. She quickly found her way to his arms. She cried into his bare chest. He stroked her hair. "It's okay, princess." He whispered to her. She continued to cry into his chest. He continued to whisper to her. Calming her and hoping to cause her less pain that the nightmare caused her. He kissed her a few times before she cried herself to sleep. Erwin laid down next to her and held her in his arms as the two fell asleep together. 

In the morning, she could hardly talk. Her voice was raspy and hoarse. She was also struggling to stay awake. Most of the day, she stayed in her office, communicating as little as possible. She stayed by Erwin. He was happy about her company, but saddened that she was having nightmares about her family. She seemed normal to everyone else since she rarely talked in the first place. She would hang tightly to Erwin's arm. Her lack of sleep also became apparent as the day progressed. She became sluggish and lethargic. Dark bags formed under her eyes. Often times she would stay in her office and sleep to try to regain the sleep she lost.

Often times when Erwin went to check on Y/n, she was sleeping or trying to. She would hiss as he turned on the lights and made her awaken. She would cry sometimes as she woke. Erwin decided she should take a few days off to rest. She had little energy, but just enough to walk to Erwin's office and get comfortable on his couch. She quickly fell asleep and began to toss and turn. Erwin would look up from his papers and see her with a concerned look on her face. He sighed and lifted her from the couch. He placed a small kiss on her forehead before he laid her on his bed and tucked her into the covers. "Sleep tight my darling." He said as he placed a kiss to her forehead and left her in the room. 

Erwin continued his paperwork. He got done with most of it until Y/n strolled into his office. She stole one of his hoodies and somehow changed into shorts while he wasn't looking. Probably while he was in Levi's office. He watched as she sat down across from him and looked over at him with her tired eyes. "Couldn't sleep." She said huskily. Erwin rose from his seat. He walked over to her and sat down across from her. She immediately embraced him, loving the feeling of his arms around her once again. She cried on his shoulder while he pet her hair. Silently comforting the small girl in his arms. She smiled as he hugged her tightly. Tears were still falling down her cheeks when Levi opened the door. "Erwin, have you seen-" He cut himself off at the sight of Erwin holding Y/n as her sobs filled the room. He sighed before he walked over to her and hugged her tightly. She soon calmed. Crying herself asleep. She laid in Erwin's arms. "How long has this been going on?" Levi asked. "Only a today. She had nightmares last night. She hardly slept, but in between the first and second nightmare..." Erwin paused. Unsure whether he should tell Levi or not. "She cut." Erwin whispered lowly. Levi's eyes widened. "How bad was it?" He asked. Erwin rolled up her sleeves. Dried blood was caking on the bandage. She hissed as the air hit her skin. Erwin didn't dare removed the bandages. He watched as she rolled over and pulled down her sleeve in the process. She covered herself in the blankets and began to sleep peacefully. Erwin and Levi watched as she slept. "Let's not talk about this in here." Levi whispered. Erwin closed the door behind him as he watched Levi pace back and forth in his office. He watched as Levi began to scratch at his arms. His nerves were starting to get the best of him. "Levi." He said as he grabbed his arm to stop him from scratching. Levi looked up at the taller of the two. "I need Eren. I'll be back." He whispered quickly as he ran out of the office. He quickly found Eren and explained to him what was happening with Y/n. Eren went back up to Erwin's office with Levi clinging to him like his life depended on it. Eren sat down on Erwin's couch with Levi still clinging onto him. He felt tears falling from Levi's eyes to his shoulder where Levi's head rested. Erwin watched, sitting at the seat behind his desk. He'd never seen Levi so torn. Levi muttered something almost inaudible to all except Eren. "I cannot lose her. She is the closest thing to family I have left." He muttered through tears. 

Just a Nightmare | Erwin Smith x Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now