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begbie: *helping spud practice driving*

spud: should i run over those two playing on the street?

begbie: *lifts up sunglasses to see mark and simon* yes

spud: i can't see them, do you know who they are?

begbie: *lowers sunglasses* no


tommy: how stupid do they think we are??

spud: sometimes gail just leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list


simon: tell mark he's awful and that i hate him

begbie: tell him yourself

simon: i can't, we're in a fight

begbie: you're literally sitting on his lap??


mark: *is overdosing*

swanney: FAST! someone call 911!

spud: the number 9 is not working

simon: just turn it upside down and press 6

spud: GENIUS

mark: *stops dying momentarily* what the fuck


simon: let's just agree to say "i'm sorry" on the count of three

simon: one, two, three




simon: see now i'm just disappointed in the both of us


mark: where were you?

spud: simon was yelling at me

spud: apparently i'm "lazy" and "incompetent" and "spud"

spud: the last one was just my name but you should've heard his voice


[police sirens in the distance]

spud and tommy, who have never done anything wrong in their life: oh no, they're coming for us

begbie and simon, the ones they're actually looking for: you better start running


simon: *sees a kid crying at the grocery store*

simon: hey little guy

simon: *crouches down to his level*

simon: can you please move? you're blocking the cinnamon toast crunch


simon, dropping mark off at the airport: have a safe flight

mark: i have no say in the matter

simon, driving off: die then


spud: *sneezes*

begbie: bless you

spud: *sneezes again*

begbie: shut the fuck up


simon: hey mark, can you help me with the zipper on these pants?

mark: of course


simon: up, mark

mark: right. sorry


interviewer: what's the first thing you notice when someone approaches you?


simon: the audacity


mark: yesterday i found out that simon's ears go red when he's lying

spud: what? how?

mark: watch this

mark: simon. do you value our friendship???

simon, covering his ears with his hands: no


mark: it's really muggy out today

simon: if i go outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn, i'm going to kill you

mark: *sips coffee from a bowl*


tommy: begbie talks in his sleep sometimes... it's kind of adorable

begbie, muttering in his sleep: fight me... asshole... square the fuck up...


[at the beach]

simon: living my best life

mark: spud is drowing

simon: this isn't about him

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