"I don't understand," Blake interrupted.

The woman turned with a raised eyebrow before answer, "well, when a man and a woman-".

"I get that part!" Blake yelled, "What I mean is-"

The Moon Goddess smiled at Blake, "Even a Goddess falls in love. Their father was Human when I meet him. There where days I would visit him but I couldn't be with him. The older he got he only asked me for one thing. To live with me for eternity.

"At first I had refused and told him it was better to live out his life but he claimed life wasn't worth living if I wasn't in it. In the coming years, a lot had happened. War, plague and a fall of a kingdom. My lover was a King who was betrayed and in the end, he sacrificed his for his people. Out of anger, I turned everyone into wolves, for my lovers' family crest was of a wolf. With the last of my energy, I gave my lover new life, in order to do that I had to give him a part of myself," She shyly smiled at that. "Giving him the other half of my soul. We were bond to each other for eternity.

"A few years later I had given birth to our first child and then our next. I raised them on the moon with me. I learned about their abilities and helped them understand how to use them. Until one day a creature arose. Something I never created. Something old. Older them me. 

"My eldest son was the first to volunteer to go down to earth to kill the Beast. Like the leader he was, he convinced his sibling to follow him. But I had warned them that there was a chance that they would not be able to return. They were willing to still go. I sent them down where they fought the Beast but they did not kill it. It laid dormant in the mountains of the Silver Moon pack."

"Silver Moon pack?" Blake didn't remember anything about the Silver Moon Pack. Was there even a Silver Moon Pack.

"Yes, child there was," she answered as if she could read my mind. "It's the very pack your Grandmother was born into before the Beast awoke once more. Destroying the entire bloodline of the Gray Wolves but your grandparents. It feasted on your pack member."

"Where is it now?" Blake asked out of curiosity.

"He sleeps once more but time is running," the Moon Goddess sighed. "He will waken again," she stopped for a moment as if she was lost in thought. Bowing her head down she turned to Blake, "We're here," she waved her as if she was shooing a bug as a door opened. She looked at Blake, nodding her head to tell her that it was okay to go inside.

Blake really didn't want to go first but when the sound of crying babies filled her ears she heard a familiar voice try to soothe them. 

"Oh dear, Richard. What do we do? It's okay, little darling. Everything will be okay." 

Blake peeked her head through the door and felt her breath escape her. Tears started to stream down her as she watched the woman stick her hand in the bassinet. She smiled at the child, soothing it as Blake took her in. Blake slowly walked up to the couple before her.

Richard was tall and lean. His dark hair pulled back neatly like always had it. His cold stare lingered on the child for a moment before turning to Blake. Blake didn't even notice she stopped breathing until a hic-up excepted her. 

The woman beside him lifted her head with a smile planted on her face until it fell onto Blake. Her gray eyes stared back a Blake before they started to tear up. "My moons," the woman whispered.

"Mom," Blake choked as the woman run over to her, embracing her in open arms.

"My baby," she cried back. "Oh, my baby. My beautiful girl," she breathed stepping back and placing her hands on either side of Blake's face. "Look at you?"

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