Chapter 3 - Heat Rises

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After an hour-long shower and staring at my bedroom door for a good five minutes, I finally walk downstairs. There was a note stuck to the fridge door and I violently plucked it off, sending the fridge magnet skidding across the floor.

Home. School. No exceptions and no excuses.

I read mom's note before crumbling the paper into a ball and tossing it to the other end of the kitchen. I had no idea how I was going to save Noah's life while I was on house arrest.

It didn't matter what I had to do, Biotech had broken the rules many times over to get to me and I wasn't going to sit in a corner waiting for them. I was going to fight.

I left home with my scooter since I knew Noah wouldn't be picking me up. The realization of that small fact sent my head into a downward spiral. Grief so strong it nearly crippled me, gripped my body and refused to let go.

No, you need to be angry.

As soon as the thought entered my mind my grief evaporated into thin air. Anger was good. Anger meant I wanted to fix things, anger meant I was motivated. Anger pushed me past my limits and insured that I kept a clean head. So as I whizzed through the sleepy strees of Brookfield, I held a tight grip on that anger. It flowed through my veins, prickling my nerve endings.

I reached school and parked on Noah's spot. By now, the whole school probably knew about Noah, Peter and Biotech burning down. They probably speculated that Peter used me and Noah to help him and then killed Noah to silence him. That or, they knew that I was a zombie and so was Noah.


Again, the lie was far better than the truth. I walked through the double doors, the chatter in the hallway died as every single pair of eyes locked onto my form like a heat seaking missile. So much for anonymity.

I squared my shoulders and started marching through students, silently daring anyone with enough backbone to approach me. My whole demeanor screamed 'back off' and I relished it.

My strip of sanity was dangerously short and I was in no mood to deal with petty teenage drama. Even I couldn't block out the whispers no matter how hard I tried. It was like a sea of locust had descended across the student body. Everyone had something to say but they were too scared to say it loud enough for me to hear.


They had no idea. The anger in my stayed close by, a watch dog that kept the pests at bay. With my bookbag over my shoulder, I reached my locker and started getting my books for the first few periods of the day.

Dr. Benette's journal peeked out of the bag and I shoved it into the locker before slamming the door shut. When I turned around, Shawna was standing behind me with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed. If she had fangs, she would have barred them.

"So you decided to show your face after all."

I clenched my jaw, slung my book bag higher and turned to walk away from her.

"Oh, so you bring a murderer into Leah's home and then just walk away?"

I balled my fists at my side until I felt my nails sinking into the soft flesh of my plams. The monster inside stirred in me, spurred on by my growing anger.

A hush had fallen in the hallway, tension and fear radiating off of the people around me. I wasn't about to make a scene here, it wouldn't help my cause at all.

So I continued to walk. Until I felt a strong grip around my arm bringing my feet to a halt. My eyes traveled all the way down to the slenger hand attached to my upper arm.

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