Pick Your Player [~] Devastating Loss

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to yell at me about it," you replied, expression darkening.

"Stop pushing me about it," he huffed, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "You could never understand, will never understand."

"I can't help you if you don't let me in," you called, standing up as well. "Just explain it to me." The sound of a glass being roughly placed onto the countertop made you cross your arms over your chest, waiting for your boyfriend to respond.

"Stop trying to make everything seem like it's okay! It's not okay! You're not a therapist! Stop acting like you can fix everything!" he yelled, rounding the corner to face you from the doorway to the kitchen.

"I'm just trying to help!" you shouted back as your dog whimpered around your legs.

"Well I don't need your help! Unless you can miraculously go back in time and make sure we won the game, you can't help me! Just leave for fuck's sake, I don't want you here right now," he muttered out the last part, making your eyes widen lightly.

"You know what, fine. Come talk to me when you're ready to talk like an adult," you snapped, tears in your eyes. Throwing the jersey with his name on it off and onto the couch, you stalked towards the door. Grabbing your coat, wallet, and keys, you slammed the door behind you. Climbing into your car, you slammed the door shut again before resting your head against the steering wheel. Letting out a shaky breath, you started the car and drove off into the night.

Arriving at your brother's house, you hurried towards the front door as the sky decided to open up and allow a torrential downpour out. You waited for someone to answer the door, glancing around at the neighborhood. Your sister-in-law answered the door, looking confused as to why you were on her front porch. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" she asked, allowing you inside.

"We had another fight," you sighed, pulling off your wet coat as your brother walked around the corner with your nephew in his arms.

"Another fight?" he repeated, looking disappointed. "About the game?"

"Yeah, about the game," you relented, knowing that your brother did not exactly approve of your relationship. And the times that you had run to his house at odd hours of the night after a fight with your boyfriend just furthered his dislike.

"Why don't you two talk? I'll go put him to bed," your sister-in-law suggested, grabbing your nephew from your brother's arms. You watched her walk of as your brother motioned for you to follow him into the kitchen. Handing you a beer and opening one himself, the two of you sat across from each other at the table as you rubbed your face tiredly.

"So, what happened this time," your brother muttered, taking a sip from his beer.

"Well, they lost. Badly. Heartbreakingly. And he was pissed, of course. I tried to get him to talk about it, and he got mad at me. We had a fight. And so, here I am," you sighed, running a hand through your damp hair.

"This is what . . . the fifth time?" your brother asked, shaking his head. "I don't know why you keep going back to him."

"Everyone has fights in relationships," you brushed off, taking a sip of your beer.

"Yeah, definitely. But, not fights like you and him, (Y/N). I think (Y/S-I-L/N) and I only had one fight that was so bad one of us left the house for the night," your brother replied, grabbing your hand. "I want you to seriously consider if this relationship is worth it."

"Don't start," you warned, pointing a finger at your brother. "Just because we fight, doesn't mean we don't love each other."

"(Y/N), how can you be in a relationship with someone who just continually pushes you to your edge? It's not healthy."

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