Chapter 30

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The next thing on the this is to find out her favorite movie series and watch it with her and others. I really wish it could just be us.. but if this is what I have to do to win her back then ill do it and it can just be us when ever we want.  she never told me what her favorite movie was... 

Text Messages

To Kaitlyn: Hey kaitlyn, ok so i need a little help..

To Nash: Ok whats up?

To Kaitlyn: Ok so Aubrey Hasn't told me what her favorite movie is let alone series, so I was wonder could you give me a hint?

To Nash: OOOOhh Alright... Ok so it's 2 words and theres 5 movies, one just came out like 2 months ago

To Kaitlyn: That doesn't help me that much, there are sooooo many movies out there.

To Nash: Hmmmm Ok one more hint. The second letter is the 3rd word I said When I first replied.

I quickly look up to when she anwsered me

Ok Whats up?  UP!

To Kaitlyn: is it up?

To Nash: haha i don't know im not giving you anymore help:P

To Kaitlyn: aaaaaggg Ok well thank you sooo much!!

To Nash: Ya ya.. haha bye dork:P

To kaitlyn: hah Bye!

I quickly search up 5 movie series

And a big list pops up,  i scroll through it untill i get to starwars.. when my eyes close and im sound asleep.

24 minutes later...

I woke up and look  at my phone and i see the words step up

STEP UP! why didn't i think of that before! 

I quickly call Aubrey

Me: Ok you are coming over tonight at 6 and your staying the night..

Aubrey: Nash.. 

Me: Just wait you didn't let me finish, There will be other people to  like kaitlyn and some of the guys don't worry!

Aubrey: ooh okk... what are we doing?

Me: you'll see don't worry just remember my house tonight at 6!

Aubrey: Ok ill see you then!


I decide to go and get ready because its 4:37. I have a quick shower then blow dry my hair then do loose curls. I put on some lulu lemon leggings and my thunder basketball hoodie on. I put perfum on i grabb my over night stuff and then headed over to kaitlyn's first. Once she was ready we walked to nash's house and just walked in. We went straight to the kitchen and he was there on his phone

"Oh hey! Cameron is just in the bathroom" nash said as Cameron came into the kitchen after

Nash got up and grabbed 4 bowls of chips.  we each got a drink and and went downstairs to the theatre room.

We put our stuff down and got comfortable but nash was still standing then said

"So the reason why im having yu guys stay the night is because im havkng a lovie marathon and there is a special movie series we all have to watch."

Nash went in and put a disk in and then started to come back. Since were not really together i thought he was going to sit on the other end beside Cameron but instead he say beside me.

So its girls in the middle and guys on the outside.

And then stup up started playing.

I was shocked in awh because he actually figured out my favorite movie series and that another thing off the list.

Cameron and Kaitlyn we snuggled into each other and then it was me and nash. We weren't snuggling or anything we were just close.

Were now half way through the 3rd movie and its my absolute favorite.  I get a bit more comfortable and sort of lean on nash and he then wrapd his arm aroumd my waist. I dont pull away because i missed it. I then looked up towards his head then quickly kiss his cheek then whisper into his ear.

"I guess i can mark this off for #2 on the list"

He then smiled and pulled me in even closer.

.. 3/4 of the 5th movie..

I can now feel my eyes getting heavy so i just slowly drift off.

(Hey im sooooo sorry i havent updated in forever!  I have had basketball everyday and alot of homework everyday and i just never had time and them i had a tournament this weekend and i was so tired so i had a nap. So im so sorry! I qas just so busy lately!  Im hoping to update before Thursday!  Love you alll:*

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