Its Called Meant To Be (nash grier fanfic)

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Chapter 1

(Aubrey's POV)

I'm Aubrey Abbott, I have a twin brother named Zack. He is practically like my best friend, We do everything together.  My dad just recently died from a car crash, and my mom is broken. Of corse me and Zack are upset, and I wish my dad was still here. But my mom she is so upset that she blames herself and is making us move to North Carolina. We have no other family here in Moose Jaw,  so we are moving to be with my grandparents and cousins.

I'm really upset I have to leave my best friend Amanda and its the last week of school (finals week) so I am going to hang out with her as much I can befor I have to go. Im so scared I dont want to make new friends, maybe starting a new life would be good for me but its the start of summer so I wont have many friends for 2 months. This is one part of life I hate, I wish everyone knew everybody life would be easier!

Hey so im new at writing stories on here, this is my first, so please don't judge im hoping I will get better comment and leave ideas or what you think might happen! I will also try to make the chapters pretty long, and also I will update as much as I can ☺

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